Cloth Diapering

making wipes: terry/flannel, what?

So, I have a bunch of flannel receiving blankets I made and I want to re-purpose them.   I'm planning to make wipes out of them, but what would be the best route.  I want them double layered, so should I use two sides of flannel or should I make one side flannel and the other terry.  Which combo would be the most absorbant/grippy?   I only have terry wipes right now, so I'm not familiar with how flannel wipes would be.    I'm also going to put a bunch of them in the cloth diaper gift basket I'm making...

Re: making wipes: terry/flannel, what?

  • Thanks!  I've been leaning towards that because I use terry wipes right now and like them....

    You don't think it's weird to put re-purposed flannel wipes in a gift diaper basket, do you?     

  • I use flannel wipes and love them.  soft and strong!

    and I would love repurposed wipes in a gift basket:)

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  • minky and flannel they have gone over wonerfully as gifts they are super soft and work great.
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