I love using CD & am so glad my cousin introduced them to me. I also have read that you can also make your own wipes. I want to know how many moms use cloth wipes. I mean, if they point of CD among many reasons is to save money then it would make sense to use cloth wipes too ??? for those that do, whats the best cloth for wipes, what do you use to make em wet & where do you store em before you use them?
Re: Should CD mom's also use cloth wipes??
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Right now I use Circo wash cloths, but I've ordered a few new wipes. I keep a spray bottle with water and Aveeno baby wash and with a stack of wipes in a basket on the dresser. (Shake the bottle to mix) spray the wipe and spray the bum, if she's in a good mood, wipe and toss in the pail.
When we started CDing, we used disposable wipes. It was so much extra work. With cloth wipes, everything just goes in the diaper pail together (though I know some that wash the disposable wipes with their diapers and pull them out after, but that's really odd to me).
We used to have them wet beforehand, but now we just wet them with water from the sink (worked even better for us than a spray bottle). I use a tiny wet bag to hold pre-moistened wipes for when we're going out just in case I don't have water (plus I can clean messy children too, lol).
My Three Sons
#1: 2.06 #2: 1.08 #3: 9.10
DS #3 diagnosed at birth with panhypopituitarism - lack of pituitary function. He is treated with thyroxine, hydrocortisone, growth hormone and testosterone.
I use cloth wipes, they a super cheap, and in my opinion work better. I spray with hieny wash or water, then wipe with the flannel wipe and throw it with the diapers. I have a packet of disposable ones in the diaper bag, but I also have a small wet bag in my diaper bag too, so I can use wipes.
I don't keep them soaking in anything.