Since Maile, they've been crazy. My first was over 9 weeks, then 8 weeks, then 6, then 8 again, then closer together since then, but anywhere from 30-45 days. I had 7 or 8 weeks again in early fall. It's driving me crazy. The worst part is that my PMS symptoms tend to start on "time." Breaking out, cramps, crazy emotional, etc. I'm so annoyed with this ***. I went to the doctor awhile back about it and they found nothing, but maybe it's time to try again.
Re: Is your period regular? How many days is your cycle?
You described my cycles pre-kids.
I am currently a 30 day cycle, almost every time.
Call the doc again.
Mine is regular. Comes every 28 days basically.
But since having Cam, it's been horrendous for two of that five day cycle. I don't like to complain because honestly, it's very light for the last 3 days and it does only last, usually, 5 days. But man, those first two days I bleed like a stuck pig. It's freaking horrific!
regular, every 33 days. But the adult acne has been nonstop since I had DS. Boo!
Are you on a hormonal birth control? Hows your flow? Is the cramping worse? I work triage for an obgyn office, let me know if I can help!
Cramping can be bad, but it depends on the month. I always had debilitating cramps pre-pg. I don't take hormonal birth control (nor will I). The flow is light compared to pre-pg, and is also way shorter (3-5 days compared to 7-10).
I know there's something wrong. I effed up my body having 3 babies in under 3 years. Everything is different right now. I'm not exactly sure what the problem could be (I had every lab test run under the sun) and if there is a problem what they would do to fix it. The biggest problem is that my insurance does not cover office visits, so I would have to pay out of pocket.
we are period twins too!!!
Now it's better, but after DD was born, whooooeeeee. I got it back at 7.5 months pp, had one 28 day cycle, then 50, then 35, and then settled down to get it every 3 weeks for ages. Yippee.
It's stretched out to the more usual 28-30 days. The first day or two are horrid. Insanely heavy. Then 3 more days of much lighter.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008