"hi, help me work the system and get money I'm not entitled to"
"why are you being so MEAN??!!"
*hairflip & stomp off*
I had the same job. Nothing to do, less than 20employees, bosses who didn't give a crap. Know what I did? I just quit. Because it's not fair to you, them, or any clients you have for you to just sit there and do nothing and not give a *** all. Damned. Day. And if you show up late & leave early? Guess what? You're not considered full time anymore so you don't get your $$ anyway. Jerkoff.
Re: ok let me get this straight
If I were her boss, I'd consider this the opportunity for a written warning, and if she doesn't step up her game and pretend to like her job while she's there, she will be fired for cause and denied any further compensation.
nobody OWES her anything for being a lazy entitled piece of crap. leaast of all the taxpayers of New Jersey!!