Ok, so DD is nearly 3. She is definitely a mama's girl (always has been). But it's gotten a bit out of control in some aspects. Both our kids have a nightly routine of snack, bath, story, bed. Usually never an issue... although, for whatever reason, I'm usually always the one putting DD to bed (admittedly, we probably made this a habit because it's what she liked). I was busy last night (but home), so I asked DH to do bath/bed for DD. She screamed and cried so hard, she was shaking and ended up making herself physically sick. We just can't figure out what the huge deal is... she loves her daddy. They play together and he makes her giggle. My only suggestion to my DH was for him to start spending more one-on-one time with her... take her to the park, a movie, whatever. Any other suggestions? Is this just a phase? It breaks my DH's heart that she gets so upset just spending time with him. Thanks!
Re: Help... DD has a FIT when DH puts her to bed
I think it's pretty normal. DS1 was like this.. I always put him to bed and it was def also b/c it's what he wanted/what was easiest (by bedtime aren't we all just looking for things to be simple?). We did get to the point that I really needed to be able to go do things and have DH put DS to bed (esp b/c I knew that he was going to have to do it while I was in the hospital having DS2 adn I didn't want THAT to be the first time). DH started by taking over bathtime every other night. Then he started to do stories. Eventually we just had to go for it. I left (I had to sneak out the first few times) and just went somewhere local, and DH did bedtime. DS1 cried at first, but then got over it and went to sleep. What took me 20 minutes took DH an hour and a half. But he went to sleep. We made it a point to do it at least once a week for a month, Then we worked on DS knowing that i was leaving, saying goodbye and letting DH put him to sleep. Did that for a month. It was a long process, but in the end it worked for us.
Now DS has no problem with DH putting him to sleep at all. DS2 is another story ;-) All in due time... good luck!
I think its a Mum thing. I work full time and DH has been a SAHD since #1 was born. DH and the kids get on fantastically - but when I am around, forget it. #2 (age 3) will only let me dress him, put him to bed, feed him etc. DS#1 did it too but doesn't now.
In the mornings I don't have time to dress #2 so for the most part I'm leaving the house while he roars crying. It makes me feel like cr@p but as soon as I'm gone DH says he's fine. I'm sure he'll grow out of it in time, but for now we just have to put up with it and I'll dress him when I can.
I'm sorry, I don't have a solution....but time
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
Thanks ladies. Honestly, it feels good knowing we're not alone in this. I guess we'll just have to transition a little slower at night and also have them do daddy-daughter stuff here and there without me.
Thanks again for your input. It's much appreciated!