Houston Babies

Question on Recaro and Harness to Booster seats.

I was in a wreck on Wednesday (anyone stopped at 8am on 45S and 610? Yeah - some lady overcorrected and hit me and an 18 wheeler!).  The insurance co is replacing my car seat - luckily, DS wasn't with me, but it was strapped down at the time.

I had a Recaro Signo G2.  However, I was checking around to buy a new one, and the Signo and Como have been discontinued by Recaro.  We liked our Signo, so I am planning on just sticking with Recaro.  My replacement options are the

Convertible - Recaro ProRide

Combo Harness to Booster - Recaro ProSport

I was just going to get the convertible, but I started thinking that DS is almost 2, now.  I am still RF, but was probably going to switch around at 2, anyway, so maybe I should do the harness to booster, so I will have the booster for later.

Did you feel like when you switched to a booster that the Combos were too bulky, and you just bought a bottom booster, anyway?

We are planning more kids (hopefully!), so it's not like the Convertible wouldn't eventually get used, so I guess it doesn't really matter.  Just wanted to get an opinion from you lovely ladies! :-) 

Re: Question on Recaro and Harness to Booster seats.

  • just an opinion (so take it for what it's worth, LOL) but we had Marion RF at two and thought we'd switch her, especially adding in an infant seat for Eliza, but we still haven't switched her at 27 months.  Our pedi, who is usually really relaxed about most things, said if we could keep her RFing until three, that's ideal.  So maybe that's a plus in the convertible column, just in case you don't turn him like you were planning.
  • Based on what I've read, I believe that real car seats are safer for kids than boosters until they are literally incapable of fitting in to a car seat any longer. We went with Sunshine Radians that go up to 70lbs + and I will be keeping both boys in those as long as possible, which means boosters after the age of 6 or 7. If you bought one that could be used as a booster later, it may already be "aged out" by the time you switch to it and you would have to buy another booster anyway. Or, you might have another baby and want to use DS's convertable for #2 and get DS #1 a booster at that time.
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  • I looked in the manual, and the harness to boosters have a 6 year life, so with DS being 2 right now, i think I would be fine on the "lifeline", but since I am not sure, I think I'll just stick with the convertible, since I can *hopefully* reuse it later, and I can continue to RF, if we decide to do that.  Thanks!
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