
have you had any luck selling dc's outgrown clothes on craigslist

or where have you had luck selling them or do you just donate?  If you sell on craigslist or ebay, please let me know how you list your stuff, how much for usually etc. tia
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Re: have you had any luck selling dc's outgrown clothes on craigslist

  • I've sold about 4 bags of baby boy clothes on Craigslist so far. I take pictures of everything laid out on my dining room table, about 6-8 outfits/pieces to a picture so people can see the stuff. On the ad I've listed the brand names and types of clothing. I'm not looking to make a ton of money off it, and if it didn't sell, I'd just donate it anyway along with the stuff that's not in great shape. In my last lot I sold about 35 pieces (overalls, baby jeans, pants/hoodie sets, long-sleeved onesies) for $25. The most I ever made was $40 off a lot with about 50 pieces of newborn clothing.

    I've also had great luck selling baby equipment, too, including our jumperoo, exersauser, swing, extra changing table, glider and co-cleeper. I love CL! Hope that helps!

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  • I've sold all my maternity clothes and groups of other things (I grouped all the like  baby stuff together such as bath stuff, feeding supplies, etc.) and had good luck selling them. Clothes not as much, but if you hit the right person at the right time it helps. I also mention specific brands. I usually ask $20 for a bin (bin not included, of course) of clothes. Anything really special I sell separate. For example, I have a 24 month Kenneth Cole outfit including a leather jacket that I will list separate.
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  • Last fall I gathered all of ds' outgrown 3T clothing and listed them together in one big lot: there were probably 4-6 sweaters, a winter coat, a jacket, at least 6 pairs of pants, etc. All clean and name brand. Basically a large laundry basket full of stuff. I took a photo of it, listed it on Craigslist for $50 and sold it within the day.

    I think that listing them at a seasonally appropriate time makes a big difference: you'd probably have an easier time selling a large lot of spring clothes now and holding back on the fall stuff until the end of the summer. 

  • When DD outgrows a size I sell all of it in a huge lot on Ebay.

    I've only recently started splitting it up into separate auctions by season, but i've sold everything so far and have only had to donate very few things.

    I take as many pics as possible, put them on photobucket, and put the pics into the auction text with HTML (to get out of paying photo hosting fees through ebay). I describe everything as thoroughly as possible, count the number of pieces, list brands, etc.

    No particular brand sells faster or better than another. One of the most recent auctoins that sold was almost all clothing from Kmart (Wonder Kids) and it sold the first time with no issues.

    I start the auction pricing out under $1/piece, usually around $25 for 30+ piece lots. Make sure to package the clothing up and weight it so you dont lose money on shipping fees.

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