The end of my ability to keep the boys' playroom relatively tidy, I mean.
They've been able to pull stuff off all three shelves of their bookshelf for a while, but Dash just figured out how to open the toy chest. You just know that from now on, emptying the chest will be the fun new game.
P.S. It's pretty cute to watch them working as a team to do this: Dash standing and hauling out toys and passing them to Will, who examines and discards them.
Re: The end is nigh...
yeah that is Miss A's favorite game....emptying the toy bin! but, you can teach them to put things back too, so her second favorite thing is to say "back" a million times as she picks things up and puts them back (now if only I could teach her to put them back in the right place - ha!)
that is so cute!! i think it's interesting that the twins will play with each other yet singletons at this age still only participate in independent/parallel play. i have another friend w/twins and it's the same w/her girls too.
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
that is so cute that they work as a team!
We've tried to teach LB to put things away too, but it seems like it's more fun to him to empty the bins. MH just puts everything back in its place after we go up for bed at night.
it's so cute that they work together! I bet you are so happy they have a spot just for them! Jack has a play area downstairs but actually ends up playing upstairs a lot so the mess is right in the middle of it all.
his favorite is still pulling all the books off the shelf. He will take all the blocks out of the basket I have them in and then throw them in the larger toy basket. His version of being helpful I guess.
Aw, teamwork! Adorable.
I don't fight it anymore. In fact, when I need to buy myself some time, I just put an entire laundry basket full of his clothes in his play area and let him at it.
And A also discovered pulling books off shelves yesterday at the library. He was so not interested in reading after that a-ha moment!
I try to get him to help put away too, but that's a skill still in the works. :-)
You are a GENIUS. Seriously, this is a fantastic idea!
Libby is the same...she loves emptying her book shelves and toy bin onto the floor and examining all of her loot. She'll actually dive right in the middle of the pile, lie on her belly and play with whatever is in close reach. It's sorta funny to watch her do it. We do work on cleaning up together and sing the "clean up" song....
I have also found that a basket full of clean laundry or CDs is a great way for her to entertain herself for 20-30 minutes...lately, she's been trying to put clothes on herself and I nearly died when I saw her toddling around with a pair of my just washed/dried panties over her arm...she was SO proud of herself for getting her arm in the leghole! Too funny!
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
BTW this is SO interesting to me - I didn't know this! I assumed all kids their age played with each other (shows what I know about babies, right?). That explains the little girl at daycare who is their age and disinterested in playing with them. I always thought she was just shy - I didn't realize it was actually a developmental thing!
LOL yep, that's them in action. I love the expression on Dash's face: "We're SO busted."