I am trying to get as much info as I can in order to make my decision whether to CD. I have a few co-workers who have grown children and they cloth diapered so they are giving me advice.
I know it has come a long way in 20+ years so I thought I would ask you ladies. Also, one now has a daughter who CD's and she agreed with my other co-worker...
They said I will want to use disposables when I go out (to the mall, to visit friends, out to dinner etc) because "what would you do with the soiled diapers?"
I would think it would be a waste to use both.
What are your thoughts? Sorry if this is such a moronic question but what DO you do with the diapers when you are out? Is it that big of a hassle?
Re: Stupid question RE: Cloth diapers outside the home
This! Then just toss it into your diaper pail at home. Two big reasons I'm using cloth diapers are chemicals and cost, both of which would prevent me from buying disposables (at least traditional ones like Pampers or Huggies) for special circumstances.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
I use a medium size Planet Wise wetbag. Easy peasy.
My favorite cloth diaper shop!
I think sposies are more of a PITA. You have to find a garbage to put them in, they stink, and are prone to blowouts - how fun would that be while out and about?
We use CDs while out and about and I find it super easy. I just put them in a wetbag and throw them back into my diaper bag. Never a mess. Love it!
I always use cloth when we're out. What do I do with the soiled diapers? I put them in a small wet bag. There is no smell, there is no problem. It is just as easy as using disposables.
Once you start CD-ing you will realize all of these "issues" you think you may have, will not even be issues at all. I worried about stuff like that too. I worried for nothing. Cloth is just as easy, if not easier, outside of the house as sposies.
Thanks everyone. I figured it would be that easy but when co-workers brought it up, it made me rethink.
Do wetbags keep odors out as well?
Ditto! Things seemed way harder than they actually are.
My favorite cloth diaper shop!
First, the smell with cloth is much less than with disposables. Second, wet bags have either a zipper or drawstring so any odor is contained.
Awesome, thank you both! That's what I like to hear. I don't have anyone my age around me that CDs (I only have a small few who even have babies) so this is helpful.
Yep! I prefer wetbags with a zipper, though. Easier to keep everything (mess, smells, etc.) totally sealed off.
We haven't even had a disposable dipe in the house since DD was six weeks or so--we use cloth everywhere.
Yeah, that! *points up*
It's actually easier than searching out a trash can to throw away a disposable.