So my aunt and uncle are renting a condo for a week, the 2nd week of March, near San Diego and have invited us to go for a couple nights. We would go for 3 nights. Thing is that it would be at least an 8 hour drive, but could be closer to 10. That seems like a really long drive...esp. with a little kid. I think our longest drive to date with her was 3 hours, which was okay, but 8-10 hours is a long time.
Thing is, I have not had a vacation since I was 7 months pregnant, so 4.5 years. When DD was born I only took 2 weeks off, and did a bunch of work from home those 2 weeks. So a vacation is much needed, but I'm not sure that those couple days will even seem like a vacation with that long of a drive both ways.
I cannot seem to make a decision one way or the other, but it is quickly approaching. Anyone have any thoughts??? Would it be worth it to you?
Re: Long drive for a short vacation...would you go?
My three little ones
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
We drove over 9 hours for Thanksgiving weekend. So sure, if you want to go. My kids are awesome in the car. A little music, some books and a lot of special snacks and the trip goes pretty fast.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008