Cohen's been much slower at talking than Rory was, by far, but now, right around 18 months, he is having a word explosion. In the last two weeks, he has started saying probably 10-12 more words. Before, it was pretty much just mama, dada, emma (his cousin), hi, and bye.
Re: How many words for a 16mo?
I have a 16mo DS who uses around 10 words, but can say around 25 words, including two-word phrases (thank-you, etc.)
HOWEVER, at his 15mo appt all they wanted were 3 more words than mama and dada.
I'd say your DS is on the verge of a word explosion very soon. Hang on!
Eli is much more vocal than Gabi. She screams bloody murder to get what she wants.
At 17 mos, I'd say Eli has about 20 words.....Gabi has about 5. (ma, dada, that, mine, bed).