Cloth Diapering

Started Solids, please tell me it gets better

I am assuming that since this is a diaper board I can talk frankly about the poop situation.  But warning anyway, icky stuff ahead.

We just started solids about a week and a half ago.  And changing her dirty diapers has become a nightmare.  She doesn't have a bm for 3 days or so, and then it's a poop-splosion.  I will say that her cloth diapers have held up, and contain the mess, however spraying the diaper and wipes is horrible!  I hear other mothers talking about only using two wipes, bwah hah ha.  I end up using about 6 or 7, and that's not counting cleaning up the changing mat afterward.  Forget about using her diaper to wipe most of it off, by the time she's done, there's barely a clean spot on the diaper to wipe with!  Her bms, have the consistency of peanut butter, and spraying her diaper and wipes of all poop-particulate takes at least 15 minutes, and that's with using a liner in her diaper that I toss.  

Please tell me it will get easier.  I love using cloth diapers, and it was so easy when she was just breastfed, but I can't spend 15 minutes spraying her diaper and wipes, especially if we are out and about!   Please tell me that if I stick with it that it will get better!!!

Re: Started Solids, please tell me it gets better

  • I have started doing EC and I mostly catch poos, so I haven't had any dipes to change in a while (you could try that)

    But, I will say that when I did change poo and when I change my older DS, I don't rinse the wipes.  Even with huge blowouts, I only use 2 wipes so I can't see using so many.  

    With the dipe, I don't spray the dipe until it's spotless of all poo.  I get the majority of it off, at least the big chucks and toss the rest in the pail.  


  • It gets better!

    I will say that while it may seem kind of gross, I don't think you have to work so hard to clean off all the poo before it goes in the laundry, especially if your LO is still getting some breastmilk. As long as you get the majority of the poop into the toilet, the rest will wash out fine.

    Also, I have heard of people using a regular spatula (that should never, ever ever enter the kitchen again!) to help get the PB poo into the toilet.

    Good luck!

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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  • It will get easier. Soon they'll solidify and you can plop them.
  • I don't try and remove the poop.  It comes out just fine in the wash.
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  • i have no experience with this, but another thing i've heard and plan to try in a few months when she starts solids is if you put the diaper aside for a few hours, the "pb" poop dries/hardens and becomes easier to plop/scrape.

    good luck!

  • imageAllie30:

    i have no experience with this, but another thing i've heard and plan to try in a few months when she starts solids is if you put the diaper aside for a few hours, the "pb" poop dries/hardens and becomes easier to plop/scrape.

    good luck!

    There is someone on here who swears by this and I have kept it in the back of my mind planning to try it when the time comes! 

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  • imageyodasmistress:

    i have no experience with this, but another thing i've heard and plan to try in a few months when she starts solids is if you put the diaper aside for a few hours, the "pb" poop dries/hardens and becomes easier to plop/scrape.

    good luck!

    There is someone on here who swears by this and I have kept it in the back of my mind planning to try it when the time comes! 

    Yep I have found this to be true too. I always just fold them over on top of themselves and put them in a small wastebasket next to the changing table. Then I clean them at night after he goes to bed.

    Also I think the more fruit you begin to incorporate, the more often they will go. If you are just starting cereals like rice, they can be a little constipating.  

  • yoda, that's where i read it too. since our babies are exactly the same age, we can keep each other posted. my dh has put his foot down on installing a sprayer and we have a microscopic bathroom with ZERO storage so this should be interesting. I mean, where to keep the hypothetical spatula? Maybe I should handle all the diapers in the basement toilet near the laundry? But that seems like a real pain.
  • I have no experience, but a friend who CDs told me she uses a flushable liner (about the size of a dryer sheet) when baby starts solid to make for easier cleaning in the beginning.  Most of the poo ends up on the flushy and the diaper is easier to clean.

    She uses these:



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  • Thanks everyone!  It's just so frustrating when her diaper is filled to the brim!    She's only on fruits and vegetables right now, the cereal just clogged her up, so her pedi said to cut it out of her diet completely for right now.  
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