Today is the BIG day!!!!!!!!!! We will have offically survied the first year at 10:56 and 10:58 am today.
I am in serious denial. I'm simply not ready to have two crazy toddlers and not two babies. In reality they haven't been babies for a while, but this makes it offical. In other news, DH took a picture last night....of the last bag of breastmilk in the freezer! I did it. from newborn to 8 months they got straight BM and from 8-11 months they got no more then 50% formula. We are now moving to whole milk, it's going alright. It's insane to think how many things are about to change with tomorrow's big day.
For those of you who are in the midst of newborn fog, ENJOY every moment you have! I'll admit the newborn phase kicked our butts but looking back I am thankful for the experience- even the pure exhaustion. I miss those cuddly little bitty babies. The phase we are in now is so much more enjoyable, and EASIER, but I have moments when I miss them being little.
Lastly I just have to say thanks! To everyone on this board who has been kind enough to answer my many questions, thank you. This year was quite the ride and all of you made it a bit easier!
Re: Happy Birthday Allie and Madison...
happy 1st birthday allie! happy 1st birthday madison!
and congrats mommy on making it through the 1st year