We're dealing with a Thrush outbreak in my DS and a yeast infection for me this week.
DS isn't showing any signs of yeast or diaper rash on his bottom right now. Do I need to treat his diapers for yeast?
I was told to treat all of our clothing and towels for yeast to ensure that it's gone but no one had an answer for my CDs.
Any experience with this?
Re: Thrush/yeast
When my DD had thrush, she got a pretty bad diaper rash from it. I treated all of my diapers while I treated her for it. I contacted each of the diaper companies for suggestions on how to treat it. I had mostly Thirsties at that time and treated it with tea tree oil. I did this with all of my diapers and DD's rash went away (we used disposables until her rash was gone since she needed cream).
It might not be a bad idea to preventatively treat the diapers before it becomes a rash issue.