Our little man came home today after 68 days in NICU! We're so excited to have him home but I'm so nervous! Iheck on him every 30 seconds and keep thinkung "is he breathing too hard or too fast? are you sure he's the right color? why does he keep grunting? did he do this in the /niCU?" I'm driving myself crazy!
Re: Graham is home!
Congrats on your homecoming!!!
I was the same way as you, worrying about everything. I was in contact with some of our favorite NICU nurses and would ask them questions. I would recommend calling the NICU if you have any big questions, and just try to enjoy having your little one home. Like pp said, you'll ease into it and the worrying will begin to diminish until the preemie worries are only a distant memory. (I never believed I'd get to that point, but really, I did!!)
I guess that is what all Preemie moms worry about.
My baby boy was born at 34 weeks, and he spent only 6 days in NICU and when he came home, I worried about the same things you do. Is he breathing, to fast? to slow? is he looking yellow again? did the nurse notice this when he was in NICU?
Pretty normal concerns, but relax and enjoy your baby, you can finally cuddle all the time.