
DS told his Dr today that DH

"throws stuff at me"      Indifferent

We were having a great appointment.  At the end of all the questions the doctor had for us, DS was asked if he had any questions for the doctor, David says  "well, sometimes, my dad throws stuff at me"  I was like WHAT??  and  he goes on to say "he throws gum at my head"   The Dr and I were like, um WHAT? then he says "I like gum"  It was SO weird.  I kind of laughed - like a nervous laughter.  His pedi didn't seem to think anything of it.   He said to me quietly "kids are so funny".    You have to know DH (and luckily our Pedi does!), but he is THE most loving, gentle father.

On the way home, I questioned DS about it and come to find out, he was referring to the pinata at his party and how DH shook the pinata while he was under it and the candy dropped on his head!!



David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11

Re: DS told his Dr today that DH

  • I am laughing hard at this.  So funny!

  • Too funny! My DD once told her DC that "Mommy pushes me, and Daddy hits me! "She was referring to me pulling her in her wagon, and Daddy giving her high 5's. Luckily the teacher was one of our


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  • DD has made similar comments about DH or I "hitting" her when thats not what it really was. 
    Isabella Sophia 10/1/2006 Photobucket "little miss Avocado
  • omg...this was so funny.  I'm trying to laugh quietly because DS is sleeping.  It also reminds me of one of my cousins.  When she was in preschool, she went to her teacher and said "my mom and dad got into a fight and my mom left!"  They live in a small town, so the teacher ran into my aunt a week later at the grocery store and said "I'm so glad you're back, I heard about the fight.  I hope everything is ok now."  and my aunt was like "um, what?"  and the teacher explained what my cousin said to her.  My aunt was like I don't even remember getting into a fight, and the only reason I left was because I had a business trip to go to for a couple days.  
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  • I would have been mortified, but that is hilarious!
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