MIL called DH today to see if she could bring anything to Nora's birthday party on Sunday. She went on to tell DH about how his 15-year old sister's appointment with the cardiologist went today. (She was born with severe heart problems and had open heart-surgery at 6 months old, so she has to go for an annual Echo and etc.) They told them today that they expect to have to do a valve replacement on her within 4-5 years because the walls of her heart are thickening. The drs have been telling them for several years now that she needs to lose weight, but the IL's just brushed it off and said she was fine. Now, they are acting like this is no big deal, too. DH said something to her about how she needs to become more active and lose weight so that it isn't taxing her heart. MIL said, "Well, she has PE this semester." Oy. Then she said that they are talking about getting her a membership to the Y, but they aren't sure how they'll squeeze that in with all the other activities she's in, so it probably won't happen.
Re: My IL's never cease to amaze me