
Next step appt with RE tomorrow

have an appt over the phone tomorrow to discuss next step treatment options. So far I have only tried oral meds, but thinking about injectibles. Does it make sense to try a combo of orals and low dose injects or just straight injects? cost is a factor so I'm strongly considering orals + injects. any thoughts? Any other things to discuss that may increase our chances?
Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker TTC since 1/10 DX PCOS Early 2010: 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg, 100mg, & 150mg. responded to first cycle, but all BFN summer 2010: break 10/10: 100 mg Clomid cancelled due to no response 11/10: RE consult: begin Metformin 1500 mg + I month BCPs 12/10: 100 mg Clomid + Hcg + TI + progesterone = BFN 1/11: 5 mg Femera + Hcg + IUI + progesterone = BFP!!! 2/21/11: beta # 1 116 2/23: beta # 2 57 =2/25 m/c 3/2011: break cycle 3/30/11: surprise BFP! beta #1 =36 beta #2 4/1/11= 87 beta #3 4/5/11= 701 4/20/11: US hb found @ 6w2d

Re: Next step appt with RE tomorrow

  • I think you have to be really careful with your PCOS dx that you don't overstim.  I would hate to see you push it too much and then find out your cycle has to be canceled because of having too high of a rate of multiples.  I know it's a tough decision-it's why we are moving on to IVF, because I had 4 measurable follies on Clomid 100 mg, and the risk is too high we would have to cancel it on injects.

    Good luck with whatever your decision is!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Good point, I would really hate to over stim, but so far with all these cycles, I've only produced 1 good follie (good meaning over 18mm)

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker TTC since 1/10 DX PCOS Early 2010: 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg, 100mg, & 150mg. responded to first cycle, but all BFN summer 2010: break 10/10: 100 mg Clomid cancelled due to no response 11/10: RE consult: begin Metformin 1500 mg + I month BCPs 12/10: 100 mg Clomid + Hcg + TI + progesterone = BFN 1/11: 5 mg Femera + Hcg + IUI + progesterone = BFP!!! 2/21/11: beta # 1 116 2/23: beta # 2 57 =2/25 m/c 3/2011: break cycle 3/30/11: surprise BFP! beta #1 =36 beta #2 4/1/11= 87 beta #3 4/5/11= 701 4/20/11: US hb found @ 6w2d
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  • Have you tried from CD 3-7?  That made a huge difference in my cycles (from 1 follie to 4 measureable, 3 over 18mm).

    It's such a tough decision when you are putting the money and time/effort into it.  I'm interested to see what your RE says!  Good luck!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm not there yet, but one of my questions based on your pricing concern would be how your office would price orals + low-dose injects.  My RE just quotes oral cycles at one price and injectable cycles at a much higher price and does not have any middle sliding scale for low-dose injects (even though you have to pay for the meds separately).  If that is a concern, I would try to feel it out before I got too invested.  Good luck with the appointment!
    TTC since 11/09
    Two C/P and Lots of Tests
    Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
    IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
    IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
  • yah I'm not sure if my RE even does half and half cycles so I guess we will see
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker TTC since 1/10 DX PCOS Early 2010: 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg, 100mg, & 150mg. responded to first cycle, but all BFN summer 2010: break 10/10: 100 mg Clomid cancelled due to no response 11/10: RE consult: begin Metformin 1500 mg + I month BCPs 12/10: 100 mg Clomid + Hcg + TI + progesterone = BFN 1/11: 5 mg Femera + Hcg + IUI + progesterone = BFP!!! 2/21/11: beta # 1 116 2/23: beta # 2 57 =2/25 m/c 3/2011: break cycle 3/30/11: surprise BFP! beta #1 =36 beta #2 4/1/11= 87 beta #3 4/5/11= 701 4/20/11: US hb found @ 6w2d
  • I've actually been doing CD 3-12 with clomid and then femera. What did u do prior to your CD 3-7 that it made a difference?
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker TTC since 1/10 DX PCOS Early 2010: 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg, 100mg, & 150mg. responded to first cycle, but all BFN summer 2010: break 10/10: 100 mg Clomid cancelled due to no response 11/10: RE consult: begin Metformin 1500 mg + I month BCPs 12/10: 100 mg Clomid + Hcg + TI + progesterone = BFN 1/11: 5 mg Femera + Hcg + IUI + progesterone = BFP!!! 2/21/11: beta # 1 116 2/23: beta # 2 57 =2/25 m/c 3/2011: break cycle 3/30/11: surprise BFP! beta #1 =36 beta #2 4/1/11= 87 beta #3 4/5/11= 701 4/20/11: US hb found @ 6w2d
  • It's tough with PCOS and walking the fine line between making something happen in a cost-effective manner and preventing overstimulation... I am there myself (although I had OHSS after 1 cycle of femara/ovidrel).  Hope your appointment is informative and productive for you!  

    On a TTC journey since March 2010 that is making me more appreciative of life and love. 7/20 -- Surprise phone call from RE after lap pre-op appt-- BFP! 8/5 -- Ultrasound #1 8/12 -- Ultrasound #2 Pregnancy Ticker My Imperfect Pursuit of Gardening
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