I'm going to be using cloth diapers. But i still haven't figured out what i will need and what type of system to use as far as detergant and how to store them until the need to be washed and how to dry them? any advice would be helpful. i have read alot of the other forums but it is hard to find a clear answer/ or understand what others are doing.
Re: What is your system?
I use Tide Original powder.
I wash 2-3 times a week. I store my dirties in a garbage pail liner with a pail liner or old pillowcase (I alternate).
I line dry everything.
Everyone does something different. You really just have to find what works for you.
Now that the newborn stage is over I use mostly pockets (bumgenius, kawaii, rumparooz) and All in 2 systems (flips and best bottom). Newborn stage I used prefolds or kissaluvs size 0 w/covers and some lil joey's and bumgenius all in ones.
I wash with Rockin Green and have from the begining. I prefer hanging wet bags to my pail and pail liner (I use planetwise wetbags and pail liners). I usually wash every 2 days.
I just dump the diapers in the washer and toss the wet bag in too. Cold rinse with no soap. Then Hot wash with rockin green and a cold rinse at the end, followed by another cold rinse.
As far as drying goes, I have done it all. I have tossed everything in the dryer to have it all done quickly, and I have also only dried the inserts in the dryer and placed all of the shells to dry on a rack.
I store my diapers in a 5 drawer sterilite brand container that I keep in the nursery. I love it. All of the cloth wipes and fleece liners and 2 snappi's are in the top skinny drawer. The 2nd small drawer is all covers. The next is filled with all of my pockets, the next with all of my flip and best bottom inserts along with the few fitteds I have. The bottom drawer is all of my prefolds.
I hope that helps : )
I use Arm & Hammer Essentials Free
I use a 2 wet bag system. I have one wet bag that hangs from my change table to put my dirty diapers in. When it is full I throw everything, including the wet bag into the wash. Then I put up the other wet bag. I wash every other day. I air dry my the diaper covers on my shower curtain rod. Inserts and prefolds get put in the dryer.
I use disposables when I'm out or if I don't have time to get to the laundry right away. I don't have a huge diaper stash so it is important to get the laundry done.
It's really hard to screw things up. You'll figure out what works for you.
I have a mix of pockets and fitteds, different brands
I use a plastic trashcan with a fliptop lid and pillowcase liner to store dirties
I line dry the diapers and machine dry the inserts. Fitteds go into the dryer for a few minutes after line drying to fluff them up
I didn't start CD until DS was 2 months and have mostly Bumgenius 4.0, Econobum, and Flip diapers (they're my fave).
Bought Country Save detergent off Amazon. It works great and if you do their subscribe and save you get a discount and free shipping. It works for our regular laundry, too.
I put them in the Safety First diaper pail with a Kissaluvs liner (have 2 to rotate through wash) and wash every other day because I don't have very many. Right now becaue it's so stinkin' cold out I put the inserts and All-in-one diapers in the dryer and the Flip covers on a wooden drying rack...when it's nicer out I'll line dry everything.
Also, it's super easy to use cloth wipes. Just buy a few packs of cheap Gerber washcloths and there's a youtube video showing how to fold them so they pop out of a wipes container just like disposable. I put a squirt of Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion Concentrate into a little spray bottle with distilled water and squirt onto the wipes as I use one.
I also use disposables at night and if we go to grandmas for the day or something, just because I have a bunch in his size right now. I just have a separate step trash can for the sposies and 2 wipes containers on the changing table and it works...so don't feel like you HAVE to go all or nothing on the CD. It was nice to ease into cloth part-time for me.