
Board jumper for quick question

Hi ladies,

I am from the Oct 2011 board but originally from TTTC board. I have a really quick question about your morning sickness with multiples? How soon did you start to notice your morning sickness/ night sickness/ all day sickness...whatever you had experienced. I have no idea what I am having, US on the 23rd, I am 6 weeks this week. I know it's early but I seem to be getting pretty sick pretty fast. Just a little curious and thought I would ask.

Thanks for any input!

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Re: Board jumper for quick question

  • I started feeling puny (mostly dry heaving, rarely actually throwing up) around 8 weeks...we found out we were having twins at lasted until 17 weeks. 
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  • I had absolutely no morning sickness.
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  • I never had any. Morning sickness is definitely not an indicator of multiples.

    (But when I went for my first u/s, the first question the tech asked me (before I saw the screen) was "have you had any morning sickness?" so i guess she thought multiples = lots of m/s too!)

    Congrats on your pregnancy! :)

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  • No M/S for me.

    I'm sure you know this....but the ONLY way to tell if you are having multiples is with an u/s.

    Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy!

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  • imagerobinsokj:
    I had absolutely no morning sickness.


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  • I had "morning" sickness with both my singleton and triplets starting at exactly 6 weeks.  You can have horrible morning sickness with just one baby too.  It was much more severe with my triplets though.  I was on Zofran for both pregnancies.
  • imageOrangeSmoke:

    No M/S for me.

    I'm sure you know this....but the ONLY way to tell if you are having multiples is with an u/s.

    Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy!

    Yep, I know it's the only way (I'm a nurse) I just didnt have any girlfriends with multiples to ask...just thought I would swing by and see what you all thought?


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  • I first got sick at 7 weeks exactly, though I didn't feel so hot before then. I had mild OHSS. I puked regularly until 20w
  • Ok I'm super jealous of all of you that didn't have any morning sickness.
  • I started feeling queasy at 6 weeks and full on puking 5+ times per day at 7 weeks. I started zofran in the 7th week as well. But I never had all day sickness. My morning sickness was just in the morning - I was horrible from around 4am to 11am then I was fine for the rest of the day.
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  • I also never had any morning sickness.  I've actually heard that women with multiples tend to have less/no morning sickness.  Someone told me that, though I don't believe any of it.  Some women do, some don't.  No correlation between anything.
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  • imagecaden:
    I first got sick at 7 weeks exactly, though I didn't feel so hot before then. I had mild OHSS. I puked regularly until 20w

    I have OHSS too. I am very uncomfy! The fertility injections worked...they worked very well...I had 40 follies on my right ovary alone. My left ovary sits behind my uterus so we couldn't count all the follies on that one (not all mature) but the pain and bloating are no fun so I feel your pain! 

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  • I got very sick around 6 weeks with both my singleton and twin pregnancies.  Almost to the exact day, and it came on the exact same way.

    GL with your pregnancy.

  • imageleecrystalwed08:

    I have OHSS too. I am very uncomfy! The fertility injections worked...they worked very well...I had 40 follies on my right ovary alone. My left ovary sits behind my uterus so we couldn't count all the follies on that one (not all mature) but the pain and bloating are no fun so I feel your pain! 

    Wow that's a lot of follies!! Congrats on a successful cycle!

    I'm trying to remember when I got better. I think I felt bloated until I had a baby bump, which was like week 11-12-ish. I don't know about you but I could have worn maternity pants before my beta b/c my bloat was so bad. I made the mistake of wearing a tight sweater to church the week before my beta and random people asked me if I was pregnant. I cried the whole way home.

    The good part about OHSS is that it makes you feel pregnant before you normally would. I needed to feel like something was happening : ) GL to you!

  • imageleecrystalwed08:

    I have OHSS too. I am very uncomfy! The fertility injections worked...they worked very well...I had 40 follies on my right ovary alone. My left ovary sits behind my uterus so we couldn't count all the follies on that one (not all mature) but the pain and bloating are no fun so I feel your pain! 

    and you had an IUI? Indifferent

    1.0&2.0 7-29-11

  • imagemommiesandbabies:

    I have OHSS too. I am very uncomfy! The fertility injections worked...they worked very well...I had 40 follies on my right ovary alone. My left ovary sits behind my uterus so we couldn't count all the follies on that one (not all mature) but the pain and bloating are no fun so I feel your pain! 

    and you had an IUI? Indifferent

    Oh I missed that part. Please tell me you didn't trigger with 40+ follies. 

  • Wow!  Did you really do IUI with that many follies?  How many were mature?  Did you convert to IVF since you had so many follies?

    I was very lucky and didn't have any morning sickness.  I lost my appetite at around 11 days past retrieval, but that was about it.

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  • LOL! Yeah I have PCOS my RE told me she was worried I would over stimulate as I was a good canidate for it and sure enough I did...

    Femara, 11 days Bravelle injections causing the overstim, 2 days mini HCG to stop all the little ones from growing, then triggered with the full dose HCG and IUI to seal the deal! We knew if all that happened and it didnt work with the IUI we would move onto IVF. Had 3 18+mm follies on the right side. The US took forever counting them all up.

    Totally worth it though...we have waited so long. After 17 months trying and 7 months of those on fertility treatments.... we finally got our BFP!

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  • Ok 3 is much better than 40, thank goodness. But what about your other ovary? I thought they couldn't see how many follies you had.
  • I think the 3 mature on ONE side is a much higher indicator of likelyhood of multiples than morning sickness. 


    good luck at your ultrasound! 

  • imagecaden:
    Ok 3 is much better than 40, thank goodness. But what about your other ovary? I thought they couldn't see how many follies you had.

    They can somewhat see it...depending on how hard she has to push on my abdomen to get it to pop out from under my uterus. From the overstim I was in so much pain I told her she had to STOP! Never got a clear count of how many were over there.

    Did any of you have your Beta's drawn?

    Beta #1- 14 dpiui= 347 and Beta #2- 16 dpiui= 790

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  • imagecaden:
    Ok I'm super jealous of all of you that didn't have any morning sickness.

    Ditto. I was sicker than sick starting around 7-8 weeks and it lasted well into my second tri.

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  • imageleecrystalwed08:

    Did any of you have your Beta's drawn?

    Beta #1- 14 dpiui= 347 and Beta #2- 16 dpiui= 790

    I'm also a PCOS'er and for my successful IUI I triggered at least 3 follies. 3 were for sure and one may have caught up by the last day. Anyways I ended up with twins which is what we were hoping for! 

    My beta's were 239.7 at 13 dpo/dpiui, then 660.4 at 16dpo...then over 10k at my last beta draw. 

    Good luck! I think multiples are definitely a possibility - let us know after your u/s!

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  • Started feeling icky at 5w0d and was fine by 6w0d. With DS1 I started feeling icky around 6 or 7 weeks and that lasted until around 10w or 11w.
  • I didn't have any morning sickness at all. I didn't have any extra symptoms that would have suggested twins. We found out at our 12 week NT scan.
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  • I'll save you some time googling and posting. You are DEFINITELY a likely candidate for multiples.
  • imagecaden:
    I'll save you some time googling and posting. You are DEFINITELY a likely candidate for multiples.

    LOL! Yeah we have been talking about it with our RE and the staff at the clinic. They wanted to make sure we were mentally prepared.

    DH is convinced it's just one really stong baby  Stick out tongue

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  • With that history, I can't believe they are making you wait till the 23rd for a u/s! Can you ask for an earlier one? (We had our first u/s at 5w6d, and they let us come back at 6w6d so we could find out if it was one or two. It wasn't clear at our first u/s and I couldn't wait any longer. They were really nice about accommodating our request to come earlier. Maybe worth a try?)
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  • imagecaden:
    I'll save you some time googling and posting. You are DEFINITELY a likely candidate for multiples.

    I felt sick (and crazy!) if I got hungry, but otherwise, no m/s.

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  • We had two mature (18ish) follicles and about a dozen in the 10-12 range and ended up pregnant with fraternal triplets. Very similar betas.
    1.0&2.0 7-29-11

  • You guys have been such a help today! I am having such a blast talking to all of you!
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  • my boys are all from clomid/met/IUI+trigger. I also have PCOS.

    I agree with everyone else- the m/s you are having has nothing to do with your chance for multiples - the fact that you had 3+ follies is HUGE though --- so good luck with your US and let us know how it goes!

    betas really don't mean much as far as multiples go... there are tons of women with high betas who have singletons and tons with low ones who have multiples.  My singleton and twin betas were very similar.

    congrats on the pg!


  • imagecaden:
    Ok I'm super jealous of all of you that didn't have any morning sickness.

    This!  puked my brains out from weeks 8 until week 28. 

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'm another one who didn't have any morning sickness whatsoever.

    Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck with your u/s!

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  • imagecaden:
    Ok I'm super jealous of all of you that didn't have any morning sickness.
    Ditto this for sure!! I felt like vomiting 24/7 from 6 weeks on. (Found out it was twins @ 5w6d). I started Zofran almost immediately and still felt like vomiting - though I never did - until 16/17 weeks. GL!
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  • imagerobinsokj:
    I had absolutely no morning sickness.


    TTC since Jan. 07
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  • No m/s here either. 
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
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  • I was queasy but, never puked.  I was never sick with my singleton.

    I have to say that your first beta was super high.  That typically isn't an indicator but, yours is really, really high!

    I'm surprised that they haven't already done an u/s on you.  I saw two heartbeats at exactly 6 wks on u/s.

    I had two follies as result of injects, trigger and IUI 36 hours later.  They were 17 and 19mm prior to trigger.





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  • I had no morning sickness with my triplets
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  • imagembjmaybebaby:
    I had no morning sickness with my triplets


    HOLY SMOKES! You lucky duck...your triplets are adorable!

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