
Finished my first book on my Kindle yesterday.

Yup, read the whole book in one day.  And managed to get a 90 minute nap in as well.  It was a glorious Sunday.  Did I mention that I'm loving my husband lately!?  LOL

I did stay up until 12:30 to finish it.  So my eyes are a wee bit tired today but worth it.  I can see this is going to be an expensive new gadget though.  $6.64 spent yesterday.  And now I need to download more books.  EEK!

Re: Finished my first book on my Kindle yesterday.

  • Awesome!  I guess if you take a 90 minute nap, you can stay up until 12:30. Smile
  • May I ask why you chosse Kindle over the Nook? I'm seriously considering getting one for my birthday in a few weeks. I'm an English major and it is difficult for me to give up actual books (I love the smell of new books and the crisp pages; I'm weird). I can't decide between the two. I was able to try out the nook, but both Best Buy and Target did not have working kindles.
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  • It's way to easy to buy books for them!  I could spend 100s a month.

    My daughter just bought me a book yesterday, in fact.  I had put some samples on there to check out and I was reading one.  At the end of the samples, you have the option to just buy the book with one "click".  I put it down and I saw her messing with it, but didn't think much of it - she likes to pretend to read on it.  I picked it up again and I said "gee, I didn't think this sample was this long."  She bought the book.  It's ok.  I'll read it.  But, I have heard that you can call Amazon and tell them you bought something by mistake and they'll take it back and refund the money, as long as you do it right away.

  • I am super jealous!!!
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Ever since I figured out how to get books for my Nook for free from the public library, I have been a happy happy girl.  Look into it!
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • I didn't even consider the Nook.  No real reason other than I know Amazon isn't going anywhere. Barnes & Nobles...not so sure.  Soon enough (as evidenced by the many different e-readers) there will be no need for book stores.  Sad but true.  I'm sure by then, the Kindle and Nook will be outdated anyway. 

    Well, that and the Nook is about $100 more, I think.  Not necessary!  :)

    GinandTonic -- actually, when I bought the book yesterday, I noticed that you can cancel it right on the Kindle.  There is a little click button that says "cancel if you made a mistake" or something like that.  (That's way off -- I have no idea what it says but that is what it translated to in my head!  LOL)

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