My Drs are freaking me out a bit, basically guaranteeing that DS#2 is going to weigh more than DS#1. I'm measuring very similar, they just said that 2nd babies are usually a little bigger. What has your experience been?
For me they just get bigger and bigger! Everyone is different though, so I wouldn't worry too much. GL!
* DD1 1.18.04 * DD2 1.22.06 * DS 10.2.07 * DD3 8.19.10 *
*Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.*
My first weighed more. She was 9 lbs, 3.4 oz, and DD2 weighed 8 lbs 10 oz. DD2 even cooked a few days longer than #1. Your baby will weigh what they weigh. I wouldn't worry about it.
#2 was a pound heavier than #1, but I attribute that to eating a lot of fast food during the pregnancy (I gained 15 pounds more with the second pregnancy). #3 was the same size as #1 and #4 was the smallest at 6pounds. If the Drs are saying they are measuring the same size I wouldn't be worried. When I had my U/S #2 was clearly measuring bigger than #1... HTH!
DD1 was 6lbs. 10oz. at 39w3d and DD2 was 7lbs. 15oz. at 39w2d.
My mom had a smaller 2nd baby though, I'm the oldest and was born the day before my due date at 7lbs. 8oz. but my younger sister was only born 4 days early and was 5lbs. 15oz.
I think sometimes Drs guestimate but don't really know!
All 4 of my OBs told me they were sure DD2 would be smaller then DD1, based on how I was measuring and looked..
DD1 was 8.1lbs
DD2 was 9.5!!!
They were so wrong.
After I had DD2, I told my OB I KNEW she would be big because I felt like she had run out of room in there. It just felt different then with DD1. I could tell. My OB then told me that moms are usually right on their feelings about it. They can tell better..
ETA: with both pregnancies, I gained the exact same amount of weight, and had them both at 40w6d.
CP 3/07 BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09. TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen. BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy. BFP 11/14
DD was 7 lbs 13 oz, DS was 8 lbs 11 oz and born a week earlier than DD. My mom had three kids though and the first (ahem, me at 9 lbs 5 oz) was heavier than the second, and her third weighed least of all (almost 2 full pounds less).
DD was half a pound smaller than DS, but it may be because she's a girl...they say girls tend to be smaller than boys. But they also say that 2nd babies tend to be I don't know what to believe.
Re: Did your 2nd weigh more than your 1st?
DD1- 8 lbs 7 oz
DD2- 8 lbs 15 oz
DS- 9 lbs 1 oz
DD3- 9 lbs- 3 oz
For me they just get bigger and bigger! Everyone is different though, so I wouldn't worry too much. GL!
Not true for me.
LO #1-measured on time (and 1 week behind near the end). Ultrasound estimated baby to be 7lbs at birth. Baby weighed 10lbs.
LO #2-measured 3 weeks ahead for most of 3rd tri. Baby was 8lbs.
DD1 was 6lbs. 10oz. at 39w3d and DD2 was 7lbs. 15oz. at 39w2d.
My mom had a smaller 2nd baby though, I'm the oldest and was born the day before my due date at 7lbs. 8oz. but my younger sister was only born 4 days early and was 5lbs. 15oz.
DD1: 6lbs7oz
DD2: 8lbs flat
<a href="
Yep. DS2 was 9.5 lbs. and DS1 was 8 lbs. 8 oz. We make big babies here
Oh My, I will pray for you! I had enough trouble pushing out an 8 pound baby, I can't imagine 10 or 11 pounds~
I think sometimes Drs guestimate but don't really know!
All 4 of my OBs told me they were sure DD2 would be smaller then DD1, based on how I was measuring and looked..
DD1 was 8.1lbs
DD2 was 9.5!!!
They were so wrong.
After I had DD2, I told my OB I KNEW she would be big because I felt like she had run out of room in there. It just felt different then with DD1. I could tell. My OB then told me that moms are usually right on their feelings about it. They can tell better..
ETA: with both pregnancies, I gained the exact same amount of weight, and had them both at 40w6d.
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
DD: 7 lbs 4 oz
DS: 10 lbs 3 oz
My first was 7lb 13oz born at 42wks
My second was 9lb 4oz born at 42 wks.