I've about had it with the convertible carseat I bought. I loved it at first, but after a month, I can not get the straps tightened enough even after pulling with all my might. I think it's defective...
So, now I'm wondering if there really is a reason Britax are more expensive! So, I'm trying to decide between the Britax Marathon and the Britax Boulevard.
I'm looking on albeebaby.com and can't seem to find a comparison option. What is the difference between these car seats other than about 30 bucks? Are they pretty bulky? Do you like yours? Pros? Cons?
Re: Britax Convertible Car Seats
So, we have 2 Britax Boulevard's and we have the SAME problem as you. I have started to HATE them
Not only do we have the problem you are describing, but our Latch straps are twisted (have tried everything to get them straightened out.....) and when we put the seats in different cars, it is next to impossible to loosen/tighten the Latch straps as needed. I have been thinking about calling Britax to see if they have replacement Latch straps.
We also have 2 Evenflo Symphony 65's and we LOVE them. They are super padded, come with a cup holder and the best part: the Latch straps are retractable (like seat belts...!!!). They never get twisted and they are super easy to adjust.
I highly recommend the Evenflo's
That is good to know! I will defintely check those out. Thank you!
Ya I'm not sure which kind you have now...I know you asked about Britax. We have an Evenflo Sym. 65 and like it too.
Mommy's little helper
BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
BFP #3: 10/26/11
Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR
We registered for the Graco Nautilus 3 in 1. Obviously we haven't used it yet but it does get good reviews in Baby Bargains.
Can you return your seat and get a replacement? If its truly defective, I don't know why it would work for a month and now it won't get tight any more.
We have the Marathon for Noah and I really like it. My cousin had a carseat she barely used that she gave us for DH's car. I forget what brand it was, but after using the Britax, I hated the other one so much that we eventually went out and bought a Marathon for DH's car as well. One of the biggest problems was the length of the straps. It was ok in the summer, but with bulky coats in the winter, the straps didn't have enough slack to easily get him in and out. Not to mention it wasn't that easy to tighten and loosen. The Marathon is pretty plush too, so Noah just seemed more comfortable in it. The carseat is bulky, but then again most are.
As far as the difference between the two- they are fairly similar. The Boulevard has some higher weight limits- it can rear-face up to 40lbs as opposed to 35. The max weight limit is 70lbs as opposed to 65. It also has some extra padded inserts which seems like they're nice for smaller kids. Although the Marathon has an upgraded version- the Marathon 70, which pretty much has all that too, so who knows.
My parents have a Nautilus in their car. That one isn't too bad and I like the fact it configures into a highback toddler seat and then booster seat so it saves you from having to buy new carseats. The strap length is still a problem. The other thing is I wish it didn't sit up so straight. The Marathon is reclined a little, so when Noah falls asleep, he lays back. Since the Nautilus sit so straight, he ends up falling asleep slumped forward and just doesn't look comfortable
Just so you know, because I had no clue, but the Nautilus is not a convertible car seat, ie, it is only forward facing. So you would still need to find something that can be rear facing after you baby outgrows the infant car seat for the first year. I registered for the Nautilus and had no clue so we ended up exchanging it for the Graco MyRide 65, which is rear facing and also forward facing. We just installed it this weekend and so far it works great, no major issue, but I have only used it twice!