I hope you don't mind but I thought it was time to post an official intro over here. I have mostly been lurking and occassionally posting on 3T but have been spending increasing amounts of time lurking on IF lately. All of my stats are in my siggie but we just got a call yesterday from my RE (the afternoon of our 2nd IUI) that our dr. suggests one more IUI and then moving on to IVF if this doesn't work. I am not even going to get into how I would have liked to discuss an official treatment plan in person instead of a phone message.
I have learned so much from the TTTC ladies and am going to begin paying special attention to all of the IVF postings on both boards. I am hopeful about this cycle but am a realist and before IF a planner. What a life lesson IF has been! I want to be as informed as possible going in and I know that takes a while.
A little bit about me...we are slowly renovating our house, I love quilting, and we have 3 rescued furr babies. My avatar is by dog Maya who we nicknamed Miss Baby. My other loves are my two cats Renfield and Sadie.
TIA for all you share while posting. It helps so many and for me makes me feel less alone in this.
Re: Intro-3T poster and IF lurker (long)
(Welcome Hug) Sorry you are dealing with IF. I can't help with IUI quest. since we have never done it but sadly, I am an expert on IVF
Anyway, I hope your next IUI works and you can move on. There are great ladies here...we can definitley help you feel less alone!
We are renovating our house,too. It is only 4 years old but my hubby is redoing all the trim work and putting up crown molding,etc. Before that, we lived in a duplex he remodled. I have never lived in a construction free house. If you need to vent about that...come find me!
Best of luck with all of it!
Welcome to this board!
I have never done an IUI either (not an option for us) and I just had IVF 2 cancelled. So i know what you mean. I love to plan, but IF really F's that up LOL.
These ladies are wonderful and supportive! Good luck moving forward!