I'm hoping this isn't a dumb question, but am I the only one that hates the sleepers that have snaps all the way from the neck to the feet?
This is my first pregnancy so I have minimal experience changing diapers and clothes, but whenever I do it for my baby nieces, it is nearly impossible to get that baby to lie still enough to snap all the snaps and get their legs inside.
So I'm thinking, this is going to be so frustrating when I have TWO....should I only get the sleepers with the zippers? Or do the snaps get easier?
Re: clothes question--sleepers
I think it'll be hard to avoid all snaps, but zippers are definitely better. Especially in the middle of the night! We have both and I don't mind the snaps during the day, but when I'm putting them in their pj's I always reach for the zippered ones first.
I have found that the zippered ones are a little harder to find though. Hope that helps!
IDK why but I don't really like zippers. Maybe it's just because I'm used to the snaps. Tage is on an apnea monitor so i can't use the zipper for him, he has to wear snaps so the wires come out of the clothes.
I will tell you this, the snaps do get a bit easier and you will get faster at it. But it's all personal preference. I would definately buy some of both just in case.
I can usually find zipper ones at Walmart.
Once I realized how good the zippers are compared to snaps (I'm too stupid to do snaps at night!) I started doing zippers only at night. My favorite ones are the $5 Faded Glory ones from Wal-Mart. Super soft, cute prints and cheap. If you can't find those, Gerber Sleep-n-Plays have zippers, but they run super small and are kind of thin.
We have sleepers with both snaps and zippers. I hate the snap ones because I'm tired and clumsy in the middle of the night.
I hate snaps! THey never line up right.
I think the intent is so you don't have to unsnap them all to change diapers. Me? I'm ripping that entire sleeper open like Superman every time. The last thing I want is to get crap on it and have to change everything. If I'm undoing it all, I'd much rather zip it back up.