Secondary IF

New and worried about betas

Hello! I am a lurker and recently got my BFP. I have PCOS and have tried clomid, femara and injectables, and failed to get pregnant. After taking a 5 month break from all meds, I got pregnant. I had my two betas drawn last week on 13 dpo (it was 99.4), and 15 dpo (it was 192). My doctor said that was a great rise and my first ultrasound is scheduled for 2/17. I am worried that those betas were too low, and that we won't see a heartbeat next week. I'm scared to death, really. Has anyone else had lower betas and had everything turn out ok? My progesterone was 16.7 on the day of my first beta, which the doctor said was ok, but put me on progesterone suppositories just to be on the safe side. I guess the good thing is, I'm having symptoms (fatigue, sore bbs, nausea), so hopefully things will be ok. Guess I just need some support! You all seem like a great group of ladies. Thanks.
DS Grant - 8/2006
DD Charlotte - 10/2011

Re: New and worried about betas

  • Welcome and congratulations on your BFP!  I'm sorry that I don't have info on the betas for you... though it may be old wives tale, your symptoms seem to be in the right spot.  I'll hold good thoughts for you that the 17th gets here quickly and it's all good news.  Keep us updated! 


    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

    Miracle DD born 12.2005
    TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
    ***P/SAIF Always Welcome***

    Keep it Natural, Baby!
  • Congrats on your pregnancy!  My betas were about the same as yours- my second draw was 230.  I'm now 22 weeks and am still scared to death so I guess that doesnt go away.  I wish you the best for your upcoming ultrasound.
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  • I've had 6 m/cs and an ectopic.  Trust me.  Your betas are awesome.  The main thing is the doubling.  You could have O'ed later then you thought or for whatever reasons some betas just start lower.  My RE is happy with a minimum beta of 80 15 dpo.
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  • Thank you all so much! I will keep you all updated, hopefully with good news. Thanks again and best of luck to everyone.
    DS Grant - 8/2006
    DD Charlotte - 10/2011
  • Sounds like good betas to me.  That's about where mine were, but a little lower.  My Dr. looks for around 99 for the first beta and doubling after that.
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