Cloth Diapering

what would you recommend?

My DD is potty training and we are planning to CD the next baby so I told my DH that I am done buying diapers and pull ups. My DD only wears them to bed at nap and bedtime and when we are away from home. Would an AIO be best since she won't need many? Would she still fit into OS? What brands are good if we want something she can pull up herself. With LO we are just doing prefolds and covers. So this is out of my league. BTW she is in a size 4 diaper which does up to 37 pounds. I think she is about 35 pounds.
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Re: what would you recommend?

  • A lot of the AIO's I've seen only go up to 35 lbs, so that might be a waste of money.  When we were potty training DD we started off with pull-ups at night, and when she was about 2 1/2 we switched her to undies full time.  We put a plastic cover on the mattress under her sheets and we would wake her up in the middle of the night to go pee (I know it sounds a little mean, but we wanted her to get used to the idea of waking up at night to use the potty).  We also bought a cheap-o potty from Target that had a built-in tp holder and put that in her room (that way she didn't have to travel far).  She had an accident almost every night at first, but she quickly got used to holding it until we'd wake her.  Now, a year later, she wakes up on her own at night and uses the big girl potty and goes right back to bed.  She does still have accidents now and then, but they're few and far between.  If you don't want to be changing bed sheets every day, you could also use a waterproof cover over her undies.  Gerber makes vinyl ones in toddler sizes, and they're pretty inexpensive.  Hopefully some of this helps.  Good luck!  
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