So recently, people keep asking me if they are identical. Of course I say no cause they look very different to me and were di/di. I just uploaded some pics to my computer and they do look similar, but do they look identical. They definitely have the same nose, mouth, and ears, but still look very different... Looking at the pic below I do think they look alike... what do you guys think???
Re: Do they look identical?? PIP Updated with another pic
I would say there's a decent chance. Their features are exactly the same. Hairlines, eyes, ears, noses, mouths. One just looks smaller.
Hard to say for sure without more pictures, though.
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I am not good at the whole identical guessing game.
I want to say that I love the hair of the DD on the left. My DD has the same hair! It stands straight up also.
When they were born and for a couple weeks after we had no idea who was who besides from Lily having more hair. I look back at pics and still don't know who is who when they were wearing hats. Sometimes they look a like and sometimes they don't, but here is another pic.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I always assumed they were ID.
One of my girls has way more hair than her sister.
And OP, I'm never good at the guessing game, but you sure do have some cuties on your hands!
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Based on your siggy pics, I would have sworn they are fraternal, but, when you look at the pics you just posted, I'm leaning more toward ID.
I think its funny how sometimes they look so much alike and other times they look different. I never thought they were ID, but now that I look back at their NB pics and some pics I've taken recently I can see why people might think. I think the next time I go to the doctor I'll ask what their blood type is and if they have the same and continue to look alike maybe I'll look into the testing.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I'm no expert, but they look identical to me.
Also, I know this question is asked a lot on this board and I was just wondering if they don't do a blood test on them at birth to find out?? I just wonder myself, because my Dr. suspects mine are id, but won't say until we know for sure once they are born. I have one placenta and they are in the same sac, just separated by a membrane. (That's how I was explained...) He keeps telling me that we will know for sure once they are tested at birth. Please fill me in with any info. because I would definitely want to know if mine are!!
I think they look ID. They're darling BTW!
I think they look quite a bit different. Their noses don't look the same at all to me.
ETA: In the OP I could only see the siggy pic, and thought no way. Then I saw the other pic in the follow up and changed my mind.
They look Id to me.
My guys are Id and they have quite a few difference that make them easy to tell apart.