what formula are your reflux babies using?
it's been 7 weeks of all of this gas, spitting up and colic and my dr has still not prescribed meds for them...they are so uncomfortable and i can't take seeing them like this..it's only been 2 days on GS Protect Plus so I know I have to give it some time but what else can I do???
Re: reflux
My boy is on Enfamil AR and Zantac.
If you think your babies need treatment you need to push the Pedi on the issue and maybe see a different pedi for a second opinion.
do you think this formula would help with gas as well? I'm not sure if i should try the AR or Gentlease
Did you notice a diff with the spitting up with the AR?
I really don't know about the gas. I think the Gentlease is supposed to help with gas but I have no experience with it so I'm really not sure.
The AR is specificially designed to help with the spitting up. It is pre-thickened with rice starch. My boy with reflux rarely actually spit up. It was silent reflux. The acid backs up into his throat and he makes terrible faces, screams, and arches his back. The AR formula does seem to make him more comfortable. I also tried the Up and Up version of the AR and it did not work as well for us.
I BF and supplement with similac sensative for fussiness and gas. DS1 is on zantac and I think it has definitely made an improvement. We also give both boys probiotics which I think has helped quite a bit with gas/poop and tummy issues.
Putting Harry on Similac Sensitive helped.... but putting him on Zantac changed my world.
The first pedi I saw (I go to a group practice) basically poo pooed me and said all babies spit up.... I pushed and saw another pedi who prescribed him Zantac. We now also see a pediatric gastro.
You know your babies better than anyone. Push if you need to.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!