Cloth Diapering

Thirsties X-Small vs. Duo Wrap Size 1

I am not new to CD, but I didn't start with DS until he was 14 months old so DD will be my first time CDing a newborn. I think I've decided on buying 30 Indian prefolds, 2 Snappis, and 6 covers. But I can't decide whether I think the Thirsties x-small or duo wrap size 1 will be better. What are your thoughts or experiences on either one or both of these covers?


Extra info that may help:

  • * DS was 8 lbs, 5 oz at birth so I expect DD to also be on the normal to larger end of the spectrum (DH was 8 lbs at birth and I was 10 lbs, 8oz.)
  • * DS was about 10.5 lbs at 1 month and 13.5 lbs at 2 months.
  • * I am just trying to bridge the gap between birth and fitting into our bumGenius 4.0 pockets.
  • * I plan to EBF like I did with DS.


Thanks for your input!

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Re: Thirsties X-Small vs. Duo Wrap Size 1

  • We've used both.  They both fit from birth.  DD1 is pretty skinny.  She grew out of the xs maybe around 4 months, but the Duos fit until she was maybe 8-9 months old.  The xs are cut wide in the bum but the Duos adjust up to a higher rise.  If you're just using them with pfs, I'd get the Duos since they will cover pfs just fine.  For bulkier fitteds you might want the wider bum coverage.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • I would get the Duos. They fit longer and are very trim even with prefolds.
    DS 09.11.10
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  • We bought both, but the x-sm only lasted us 2-3 weeks :(

    DD was 9 lbs 14 oz, but even if you end up w/ an 8+ pounder, the x-sm won't last long.

    We found the Duos to be perfectly trim, even when snapped to the smallest setting. We did not use them before her umbilical stump fell off, though.

  • We had both and both fit DD great as a newborn.  But, she grew out of the XS pretty fast.  She still fits in the Duo Sz1.  I'd go with the Duos.
  • Duo, hands down. You can use it for longer than the sized. The XS will probably only fit for a short while and if you baby is large, then maybe not at all.  Also, if you have a little baby, the Duo seems to snap down even smaller than the XS.
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