Success after IF

At what age did your LO sleep in their own room?

My DS sleeps in a co-sleeper in our room at night. But I have noticed that during naptime when he is in his crib, he sleeps better. He is only 5 weeks old, so I am not ready to let him go all night in there yet, but wanted to get an idea of when most people feel comfortable.


3 yrs ttc, 3ivfs, 4 iuis and finally a baby boy! And then a girl to follow. 2 under 2!

Re: At what age did your LO sleep in their own room?

  • Six months for us. For a couple of reasons: the SIDS prevention guidelines recommend rooming in, and I was breastfeeding so it was more convenient for me.
  • imagecjsbdl:
    Six months for us. For a couple of reasons: the SIDS prevention guidelines recommend rooming in, and I was breastfeeding so it was more convenient for me.

    We did the same.

    After 20 months, 3 Clomid cycles and 4 IUI cycles, IVF #1 with ICSI = BFP!
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  • From the moment he got home from the hospital.
    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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  • We waited until around 6mo and then she was only spending part of the night in there. When she would wake she would come back to our bed or the cosleeper. By 7/8mo she was sleeping in her own room/crib all night. E had severe reflux and lots of choking episodes so I was most comfortable with her right next to me until she outgrew it. She didn't even nap in her room until 6mo.

    I believe the AAP says you should sleep near your baby for 6mo, but there are plenty of people who move them sooner. It is totally whatever works for your comfort level. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since Dec '04 Severe MFI-diagnosed 12/06 3 failed Fresh IVFs FET #1 - BFP!! 2 blasts tx on day 6. Beta #1 8dp6dt = 56, Beta #2 = 600, Beta #3 = 5600 My Blog Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • we moved him to his own at 5 months.  I always thought that my baby would start off sleeping in his crib, but with breastfeeding, it was so much more convenient to have him right next to me.  I moved him when he started to seem uncomfortable (he was in a fisher price rock n play).  we deswaddled, moved him to his room, and transitioned to laying flat all in one night. 
  • Henry slept in our room for the first 4 months (while I was on mat leave). When I was getting ready to go back to work, I transitioned him to his own room.
    Henry and Papa at the farm
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  • 3 months, only because he was a loud sleeper and I heard everything.  He'd move around and I would wake.
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  • We moved Jacob to his crib after 2 months.  He was still waking over night to eat, but we were able to spend time in our room without fear of waking him.  And we all slept better.
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  • 6 weeks with my oldest. Before that, she was in a bassinet in our room b/c I breastfed and she woke up 2-3x a night. At 6 weeks, she started waking up less (1x) per night and sleeping 6-7 hours so I wasn't up as much. We moved her bassinet into her room and she slept there and then we transitioned her to her crib over the next 2 weeks. It went fairly smoothly so I'm hoping to follow the same pattern (if we're as lucky) with #2.
    5 IUIs | 4 IVFs | 2 sweet little girls Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 8 weeks for us. He outgrew his bassinet at that age so we moved him. He slept better and so did we.
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  • We had planned to keep DD in our room until she was 6 months old, but we didn't plan well and got a bassinet (that she hated) and a PNP with the bassinet rather than a co-sleeper. She outgrew the bassinet part of the PNP by about 4 months. We kept her in the regular PNP for a few weeks and we just realized that it was better for all of us if we transitioned her to her crib. We were waking her up and she was waking us up all night long.
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  • imagekrissyh21:
    From the moment he got home from the hospital.

    This for us too. 

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  • As soon as I realized that she was only getting up once a night - at 5am.  So, that was around 2 months or so.  She has been in there a while.

    And, she shares with the 2 other little ones

  • 2 months.

    My pedi said she hept her first in her room until 6 months, and booted her second at a week because he was a crazy noisy sleeper, and he still loves her. :-)

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  • We transitioned her from PnP next to bed to her crib at 6 months.
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  • 6 months
    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • 2 weeks - as soon as I was recovered enough from my section to get in and out of my bed easier.

    I slept on an air mattress in their rooms for a bit after that due to convenience issues but I wanted them in their rooms so I went to them instead of the other way around. 

    We all slept better that way! 

    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
  • 3 months. Before that she slept in her newborn napper in her PNP in our room...but at that age, most of her naps where in her swing.
    My Blog
    DD #1 {04-19-2004}
    Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
    After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
    DD #2 {12-31-2009}
    2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
    TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
  • Officially, at about three months. Before that, he was spending much of the night in his crib, but my mom, who stayed with me/us for the first two months (DH was deployed) slept in the bed that was in his room.

    I had planned to keep him in my room longer, but the heating & cooling in that house was screwy. His room was much cooler than mine, so, I ended up moving him sooner. I felt he would be safer (less SIDS risk) in a cooler room, than in a room that was too warm, but with me.
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  • We moved her around 8-10 weeks. We started with naps in there, then had her in the bassinet in there at night, and then we moved her into the big crib.
    Brought to you by IVF, ICSI, limited fert, and oocyte cryopreservation.
    Because we're fancy like that.

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  • Garrison slept in her own room from the day we camehome from the hospital. I brought the bassinette into our room on day one but honestly I had a better view of her with the monitor in her own room. I would have he to sit up to see her in the basinette. With the monitor I could just look at the scren and see she was breathing, etc. Plus, I knew if we started with her in our room we would have a hard time breaking ourselves from it.
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  • My kids napped in their cribs in their own rooms from the day they came home from the hospital. They slept (overnight) in our room for about the  1st 6 weeks.
  • Charlie- 4 days- he was a loud sleeper

    Lexie- 4 months due to reflux and she's quiet

    Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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  • We moved her to her own crib/room early on, around 8 weeks. I planned on having her sleep in our room longer, but she just didn't sleep very well in a bassinett or a pack n play. The room is right across the hall, and I had a video monitor where I could hear and see her breathe, so I was ok with it. We all slept better when she moved so it was a win/win.
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  • From 2 weeks of age, as per the Pedi's recommendation.
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  • 6 months for our DD, and the twins will probably be with us until around then as well.  
    DX: PCOS * Success with IVF

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  • we moved him to his crib around 3 months or so ...he still ends up in his swing in our room sometimes....this was because for 1 he outgrew his bassinet but never slept in it anyway cause he hates being flat.... also because he's getting too big for his swing which he slept in and i felt like he needed to stretch out a bit  etc..he was starting to scootch himself out of his swing lower and lower so we moved to the crib
    1 chemical and 1 loss at 9 weeks prior to DS
    IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010

    Trying for # 2 since 2012.  2 failed FETS 1 failed IUI.
    IUI#2 4/14/14-- BFP !!!!! Beta #1 14dpiui= 45 Beta #2 16dpiui= 80  Beta #3 18dpiui= 88 (chemical pregnancy)
    March 2015- Chemical pg

    1/25/16- BFP  Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16 :)

    Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
  • The day after we brought her home from the hospital.  She was 4 weeks early and her furniture was 3 or so weeks late, so it didn't get delivered until she was home for a day.
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  • Two months.. Even though Jake was little..I was at my wits end having him sleep in our room. This might sound terrible, like I am being a mean mom. But when Jake was born DH was working a crazy schedule and away most nights..I was alone with an infant and I just wasn't sleeping with him in our room. Every noise, movement, I would jump.  I was exahusted..

    So, one day I just put him in his crib..He did cry at first but his room isn't that far from us  (down the hall) and we have a video monitor so I was totally comfortable with it. For us the transition was easy!  Jake just started (with in the last 2 months) started taking all of his naps in his crib.

  • I think you move him when you are all ready.  For us, that was just shy of 5 months.  We started thinking that Sam was getting woken up by us and vice versa, and sure enough, he slept better in his room than in ours. Now, we might have been able to move him earlier, but his room is two floors below ours and I wanted to wait until he was waking less than 4 times per night.



    I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
  • At that age, my DS took naps in his PnP and slept in the cosleeper in our room at night.  At 3 months, he started taking naps in his crib and a couple weeks later he slept in there at night.  First night, I brought him back to the co-sleeper after his midnight feeding and then we just went with it.  He was ready at that point and then we had to do sleep training at 4 months to get him to STTN.
    TTC #1: IUI #2 = BFP , Betas 550 (16 dpiui), 1523 (18 dpiui)
    Hypothyroid, LPD, FSH 13.0, TTC 2 yrs B4 BFP

    TTC #2: FSH 23, AMA, IUI 1, 2, 3 = BFN, IVF #1 = MC
    IVF #2 = BFP - Betas 194 (14dp2dt), 366 (16 dp2dt), 841 (18 dp2dt)
    (vanished twin ~7 weeks)
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  • day 1
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  • Just shy of 3 mos (i.e. right before I went back to work). Don't know what we'll do with #2 but probably the same which means s/he will move just shy of 2 months because I'll be going back sooner this time.
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  • We put DS in his room at about 7 weeks.  I was afraid if he stayed in our room for months on end, he'd never get used to his crib.  
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  • DS#1 at 3 weeks

    DS#2 is TBD. He still sleeps in our room. Mostly because I'm too lazy to move him to the nursery knowing I would have to walk over there several times a night. I'm gonna try next week though since we have family coming into town and that's going to change our sleeping arrangements.

  • we moved DD to her own room at 10 weeks
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  • Six weeks for us. Never looked back. Now in a big boy bed climbs right in and goes to bed or nap when he is supposed to
  • At 5 weeks she slept in her own room and, that first night, she figured out her days and nights and slept through the night.

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