I was singing Here and Now (Luther Vandross) to my oldest dog last night...that's always been our song together ever since he was a puppy. DH just laughs...I don't even have a song with him! At least I have a song with Simon (Danny's Song, the Anne Murray version of course...gotta represent my peeps!). So...what is everyone's "song" with your DH and with your LO?
Re: Is it wrong that I have a song with my dog but not DH?
I like to sing Edelweiss to Fiona...so I guess that would be our song.
My favorite song to sing to my bebe's has always been, "You Are My Sunshine". They have all loved it and once while in the line at Cinnabon in the mall, when Nate was about 3, he belted it out the whole song to a bunch of older ladies in line. OMG, they went nuts for it. My mom was still talks about it.
Tim and I danced to "The Secret Wedding" by Sting and then "My One and Only Love" by John Coletrain and Johhny Hartman at our wedding. Later in the night our "real" song came on - "Return of the Grievous Angel" by Gram Parsons and that is where all of the really good pictures came from. One other guy in the room knew that song and he was off in the corner smiling away and singing along while Tim and I were 100% lost in each other.
"Dream a Little Dream of Me" is my song with Ada.
The title of this post has me laughing hysterically!
DH - Crossing Over by Van Halen
DD#1 - I listened to Maroon 5's Won't Leave Without You on repeat while laboring with her. I guess that would be our song.
DD#2 - Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawieo'ole was my favorite before she arrived and I had it on repeat while laboring as well.
DD#1 - January 2008
DD#2 - September 2010
That is so cute! I'll bet he melted those ladies' hearts. But damn, now I want Cinnabon and the closest one is almost an hour's drive!
The day he comes home, rolled in cinnamon sugar, buttery goodness I will bust out in song.... And that is a promise.