alrighty ladies i need advice,
we are starting the girls on cereal just at night. we did it the first 4 nights b/w 730-8, they have nighttime bottles at 630 and 930. i'm not like feeding at 730-8. sometimes they are sleeping or just don't seem to want it.
when would you typically try to give them cereal at night?
thanks ladies!
PS. I'm so excited, I scored a baby trend double jogging stroller today, a lady I teach with saw it at a garage sale this weekend and got all the info for me and I called the lady and she let us have it for free! Got it today, LOVE it!
Re: cereal
When we started solids, we offered them in the morning, when they were the happiest and most receptable to new stuff. At night they are tired and cranky and probably isn't really into trying new things.
Now the boys get 2 solid meals a day, cereal in the morning and a "lunch".
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!