
I could cry.

A foot of snow.

I am so not going to be able to pay my bills next month.  My paycheck mostly relies on my ability to go see people out in the community.  If I can't get to our people, I don't get paid.   I might cry.

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Re: I could cry.

  • That totally sucks!  We've been slammed with snow here too this year.  I'm so sorry, I hope something comes up and things work out with your bills.

    Also, thanks for trying to help over on the SP board. 

  • Hugs, R.  It will all work out. Keep your chin up! 
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  • That sucks, we just got slammed again today, J has yet to go to MDO so I also have yet to work a day this month. I am sorry you are dealing with this hope things look up soon.
  • That's terrible. I hope things work out. Try and contact your service providers and let them know  that you might be short (of money) this month. They may be able to offer some advice.

    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • I know this is a last resort for a parent with a young child who still gets sick a lot, but could you use your sick days to eke out a full pay check?  My sister just told me this is what she's been doing lately because her case load is so light, lately.  She is an OT, working for a home health agency in northern Michigan.  She has so many patients in Florida for the winter that she's been using one vacation day a week just to get paid.
  • ((hugs))  You know I love ya!
  • image4Speedy:
    I know this is a last resort for a parent with a young child who still gets sick a lot, but could you use your sick days to eke out a full pay check?  My sister just told me this is what she's been doing lately because her case load is so light, lately.  She is an OT, working for a home health agency in northern Michigan.  She has so many patients in Florida for the winter that she's been using one vacation day a week just to get paid.

    No, even when we take sick/vacation days, we are still responsible for a standard.  We don't get comped any, nor do we get  a prorated amount of the center is closed for a holiday.   Still have to hit the same standard every month.   It is lame! 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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