I got email notification of my next Big Fat Check yesterday... I was expecting it to be for about $45 ($40 of which was referral bonuses).
Instead, there's this inexplicable "customer service adjustment" for an additional $50. I've never had a customer service issue, never called them, never contacted them... and never received any sort of notification of anything out of the ordinary.
Um, I'll take it!!
Re: holy ebates!
Um, holyshit! So you're getting $96? That's awesome Amy!
I'm getting $37, a pretty average BFC for me.
?? That is so awesome! I got my big fat check email yesterday, but no customer service adjustment for me!
Nice job on the referral bonuses too!
Those all came from posting my referral link on FB a few weeks before Christmas! I'm going to have to remember that trick again next year.
2012 Races:
1/28 - Planet Adventure night trail 1/4-marathon - 1:25:47
3/24 - Sam Costa half marathon - 2:02:47
4/14 - Hoosier 10 miler - 1:25:21 (8:32) PR!
7/8 - XTERRA Freedom Fest Hawaii 10K
9/1 - Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon
10/20 - Indianapolis Marathon Relay
11/4 - Monumental Marathon (full marathon #2)
11/22 - Drumstick Dash 4.5mi