Cloth Diapering

new to cding

what cd do you recommend? also do you the diapers that are suposed to fit up to 30lbs or get specfic sizes? i bought pocket cd diapers do you leave the cover on as long as lo doesnt get it wet. I put the liner on the diaper not in the last question do you use a wet bag at home for the diapers.tia
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Re: new to cding

  • 1.  Depends what you're looking for.  Everyone likes different kinds and brands.  I like pockets best for ease of use and being able to adjust the absorbancy.  BumGenius is the brand that fits my DS the best.

    2. I like the one size, get more bang for your buck.  Sized ones are less bulky though and I preferred them for the newborn phase.

    3. Pocket CDs are one use only.  If the inserts were microfiber you can't put them directly next to baby, they have to go in the pocket.

     4.  I use a wetbag on the go and at daycare.  At home I use a pail with a liner.

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
  • okay thanks. just wondering why can't mircrofiber go next to babys skin.
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