
Just at the right time

As you know, I was dealing with some tough emotions last week.  On Saturday, my husband and I went for a nice, long hike, and it really helped me clear my head.  The weather was beautiful and the weather was crisp, and I was really feeling invigorated.


On the way home, I spoke with my MIL, and she told me she had met a couple through their church that was talking about various missionary and charitable work they were involved in.  At one point, the woman showed a picture of a child that they were sponsoring, and said, ?I may not be able to go to Peru, but I can support this child.?


After the talk, my MIL confirmed with the woman that she understood correctly, and the child was in Peru.  Although she was not aware of what was on my mind lately, she decided right then and there to tell me that I could rest easy, because ?someone is taking care of your child until you can get to him.?


We both know that the chances of that actually being my child?or even a child approved for adoption?is slim to none, but at that moment, it was just what I needed to hear.  If nothing else, I take it as a sign from God that I should worry less?especially about things I can?t control or influence anyway.

Re: Just at the right time

  • I'm glad you got some clarity.
  • That's wonderful.  And while it is true that the picture of the child you spoke of is likely not your child or one approved for adoption, that doesn't mean that your child is not also being cared for in a similar way.  There are families in my church supporting orphans in certain European countries who have sponsored more than one different child over the years because the one they initially had was adopted by a family in the States.  And regardless, it is great to have that assurance that we really need not worry about those things we cannot control but instead focus on being faithful with what is in our hands and trust God that if He is the one pulling your heart to do this, He will care for your child.

    Have a great day my dear

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  • Sometimes we need these little bits of encouragement, and I believe this is exactly why these moments happen. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe that God is interested in even the smallest details of our lives. He knew you needed that moment, and he delivered it to you right on time!!


    I am so happy for you, and have my fingers crossed through the next steps!

  • I agree that God allows these moments to take place just at the right time as reminders that He is taking care of things!
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  • You gave me goose bumps - you are right-  it was perfect timing.

     I'm glad you had that experience.  Your child is being taken care of until he/she comes home to you...

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