
I think I may be a b!tch

I'm so stressed. DH is really sick with what started as a cold, but I'm not sure what it is now. His throat hurts so bad he can't eat or drink much and he's been in bed all day. He says he feels like he's going to throw up, I suspect because he hasn't eaten since this morning. I've been largely taking care of the kids by myself since Monday because he's so ill, and I have to admit I'm seriously bitter about it. I had to take DS1 to daycare by myself when I was so sick with a stomach virus that I could barely stand up because DH had to work, but he can't even sit in the bathroom with DS1 while he takes a bath so I can focus on getting DS2 to sleep. I hate that I'm so annoyed. I want to be compassionate, but it's hard. Ugh. I just had to vent. Now to tend to DS2 again.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church

Re: I think I may be a b!tch

  • i would not only be annoyed, i'd be pissed and probably more than verbal about it.  patrick has been less than helpful in the past when i was flu sick and the only thing i could do to turn him around was to turn into the ice princess and give back what he gave. yes, i stooped to that level.
  • To be fair, he did sit with DS while he was in the tub for five minutes or so. I exaggerated. It doesn't help that we finally transitioned DS2 to the crib two nights ago and he's not sleeping so well as a result.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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  • You are so not a b!tch. I would be annoyed too. Men are such babies when they are sick, thank God mine doesnt get sick very often or I would kill him,
  • Definitely not being a b!tch.  I swear, my husband is 100X worse than my kids when he's sick.  He alternates between "I'm fine.  I'm going to work." when he has pneumonia and "I can't function.  I just need to lay down." when he has the same cold all the rest of us had.  Oh and he's also awful about when the kids are sick trying to keep them away from him because he "can't afford to get sick right now" (like I can?).  Men!
  • My DH is such a weenie when he's sick.  He lies on the couch (so we can witness his suffering instead of going to sleep in the damn bed), huddles under a blanket, moans and groans a lot.  Says things like "Do you think I have a fever??"  "Can you go to the drugstore for me??"


    Nevermind that when I was 7 months pregnant with DS and got the worst stomach flu known to man (was up every 20 minutes all night), I still had to get up and be a parent the next morning.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • No.  It's because when men are sick they just get to check out and be sick.  When women are sick we still have to be a mom and go on with our daily grind.  It's annoying. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Um, I get the same way.  He's a guy so chances are he is exaggerating.  You can't be sick. It's the same routine whether you are or not.

    Hope you can get some sleep tonight!

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