The Twinkies are almost 8 months old and we are just now running out of disposable diapers from the baby shower...bought our first mega boxes last week...PRAISE SWEET BABY JESUS!!!
CD MoMs please give me your experience... I would love to switch but am afraid of what CD requires... My Hubby and I both work...we have a rotating schedule with the twins...they stay at home with the Hubby in the morning, my niece takes the afternoon shift ...and I swoop in in the evenings. I'm sure CD will save a TON of $$$ but am just concerned about the washing and traveling with them...
ANY advice is good advice...TIA!!
Re: MoM who CD -- PLEASE HELP ME!!!
I would do Fuzzinbunz snaps. Maybe some Bum Genius with Aplix for when they are being extra wiggly. 40ish is good to wash every other day. For wash I like rockin green. Rinse, hot wash, rinse. Hang dry shells, tumble dry inserts.
Get some help inserts (I like hemp babies and artsy fartsy foo foo) to use over night. Get 2 kissaluvs antibarterial pail liners and a planetwise wet/dry bag for on the go. Also a diaper sprayer- we have the Bum Genius one.
Diapershops/Kelley's Closet has pretty good deals...
Good luck!
Check out the CD board! They have a great FAQ link.
Also, this gal has a great blog where she reviews all sorts of cloth diapers... I would try to give you a quick run down, but this site will explain the differences between All-In-One's, Pocket, Fitted, One-Size and all the other different types. I think she explains everything much better than I would.
Wow you made it 8 months without buying diapers?!?!? That's awesome!
I spent $480 on my twin CD stash. It feels like a lot to learn in the beginning but once you do a little research and get started it's no biggie. The Cloth Diaper board on here is EXTREMELY helpful!
The fact that your babies stay home all day will make it a lot easier in the long run! Here's my set up:
Plastic kitchen trash can from target
2 pail liners (so one is always dry and ready when you wash the other)
17 covers
51 inserts
17 newborn inserts
8 hemp inserts (for overnight)
1 diaper sprayer attached to the toilet, you spray directly in the toilet and toss into diaper pail
I wash every other day. Here's what I do:
At bath time/bedtime I throw all diapers into the washing machine and do a prewash cycle, no detergent. You don't HAVE to do this, but some people do and it makes me feel better, doesn't take long and gets the yuckies out before you start your wash cycle. One full wash cycle on cold with detergent (I use Rockin Green). Rockin Green washes out so well that you can just do one extra rinse cycle at the end with hot water, or if you choose you can do a 2nd wash cycle on hot, no detergent to make sure it's all washed out. During these wash cycles I'm getting my son down for bed, showering myself and eating dinner so it's no biggie. Before I go to bed I toss the inserts into the dryer and hang all the covers over the shower curtain rod in my bathroom. By morning everything is dry and ready to go. I hang dry my covers to make them last longer.
I use Softbums, and I LOVE them. They are a one size diaper, they fit from 5lbs to 35lbs so you will only need to buy ONE set of diapers for your babies until they potty train.
It's not that much work and just becomes another part of your day/routine, just like doing any other laundry or household chores. And hey, you never run out of diapers or have to go to the store for more!
I have 2 small wetbags that go in my diaper bag. If I'm out and about I still use CDs and just put the dirties into the wetbag. Not much different then disposables.
We love CDing. We have 3 in cloth. We use all pockets because it's easiest for us. If you have a tight budget I would buy from she has really inexpensive pockets and they work really well.
I love pockets because they are just as easy as disposables. I wash every other day with Rockin' Green detergent and I have small wetbags I take with me in my diaper bag to keep dirty CDs in and I have larger wetbags that I hang from the changing table. I also have a pail (no lid) in the bathroom for the poopy ones I've rinsed.
I just bought this lot on eBay to get me started!! I'm not gonna lie I'm still super intimidated by CD'ing twins but I jumped in!
2 Thirsties Diaper Covers (White)
20 Unbleached prefold diapers (OsoCozy brand)
20 2-ply flannel wipes (colors may vary)
2 flannel diaper doublers
2 Citri-Circles diaper pail deodorizers