
Baby Jogger City mini question

Is this a jogging stroller? It doesn't look like one and several reviews on Amazon said that it isn't.
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Re: Baby Jogger City mini question

  • It's not a jogging stroller. Those usually have big tires on the front.

    I know the brand name baby jogger is confusing. 

  • nope- baby jogger is the name of the company - they make many types of strollers.

    a true jogging stroller has very large, fixed wheels - to absorb the shock when going over bumps at a high speed, etc.

    there are all-terrain strollers that have large wheels (but not as large as jogging strollers) and the front wheels swivel, and some also lock, too - that can be used for light jogging.

    the city mini is not a jogging stroller at all, though- small tires.

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