
Bump size: singleton vs. twins

Being pregnant with twins, I'm obviously bigger than if I only had one baby. How much bigger though? Is there an average estimate (ie. add 4 weeks) to get an idea?
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Re: Bump size: singleton vs. twins

  • i remember reading on average twin bellies measure about 6-10w ahead. I was about 6-8w ahead most of the time.... but everyone carries so differently - ie) taller women don't tend to have a belly that sticks out as much since we have more room going up/down.
  • I've been measuring about 6 weeks ahead since week 18 or so.  But, I'm short and have a very short torso.  Like Goldie said, it depends on a couple of different factors.


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  • At my last appt (16 weeks) I was measuring 6 weeks ahead.
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  • I was almost +10 weeks when I delivered.  I'm tall so I didn't "look" big, but I was big.  Trust me.
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  • I've been measuring about 4-5 weeks ahead. I'm not tall (5'6") but have a long torso. We'll see what they say when I go in today!
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  • My belly measures bigger, but visually it looks really similar to my singleton PG.

    Here's a comparison at 28w.

  • Thanks everyone!

     I went to see my midwives today. I'm also measuring 6 weeks ahead. I've very petite so my bump goes straight out. 

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  • I remember at my 27 week visit I was already measuring 37 weeks, before that I was measuring about 6 weeks ahead.  I stayed 10 weeks ahead every week after that though and measured 52 weeks right before I delivered!
  • I'm not sure what I measured (with triplets) but I was Huuuuge.  This picture makes me want to cry! 


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  • Just had my 32 week appt today and was measuring 46 wks. I'm 5'3" and pretty short waisted.
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  • I have been measuring 4-5 weeks ahead. Even though I was thin to begin with, I have a pretty long torso so there is a lot of room for organs and babies to go...well there used to be anyway! :)
  • when i delivered at 34w5d, i measured at 47 weeks
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  • From what I've seen its just different for everyone. At my 28wk appt yesterday I was measuring 32wk

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