

I just saw your ticker and that the boys were 9 months yesterday....YIKES! 

I'm not ready!  The girls are almost there and everytime I think about it I get soo sad! 

Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: ***GiGi***

  • It is crazy sad. I can't believe it.  This age is so exhausting too- they are non stop.  We thought we had baby proofed the living room so yesterday I ran into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I heard Ollie cry and the whine a bit- I figured it was no big deal, then I got back in the living room and he had pulled the baby gate down on top of him.  There he was laying with the gate covering him- it was so freakin sad and I felt awful!

    We talked about how fast they've grown up last night and the whole tummy tuck thing and I'm pretty sure we're going to wait till they are 3 and decide then.  I have a hard time thinking these are my last babies.

    I am excited to kick formula though!


  • Oh good!  Glad you revisited the "baby talk."  Big Smile  We're going to start "not preventing" when the girls turn a year old.  Agh!

    The girls are ALL OVER EACH OTHER now.  Well, Greer is always all over Shea.  She likes to "climb" so all she does is climb on top of her, and Shea completely freaks out.  She's a cry baby though.  Ugh.  I keep trying to teach "gentle," and now "no," but it's not working so far!!

    We bought 2 Playzone Play yards and put them together with a foam mat underneath.  That's where they play for the most part, and how I can leave the room.  Instead of finding a baby under a baby gate though, I find Greer on top of Shea.  Tongue Tied I hope this part ends soon.

    I HATE formula.  Hate it on my fingers, my counter, you name it.  Do you give the bottles cold?  I am slowly working them up to taking them cold so I don't have to heat up milk...but Greer HATES IT. 

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • I don't think I ever knew the girls names.  Greer was a good friend of mine in highschool- she was so kind and pretty.  Shea is one my co-workers daughters name. How crazy!

    We do have two of the baby jails but I feel bad sticking them in there for some reason- I mean I still do it and after tomorrow I sure will be making use of them again.

    Are you thinking 3 and done?  I was thinking of trying when the boys were 18 months if we do try again... Lessen the need for a triple stroller- lol

    The boys actually seem to prefer their bottles cold now.  How are you planning on transitioning to sippies and milk???

    Tell me about the climbing! Jeesh Harry is always on top of Ollie- and then Ollie bawls and it's just awful. I too am trying to figure out disciplining on sharing and all that jazz...

  • You guys are scaring me.


    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Why? The whole mobile thing?

    It actually is scary... When the boys were around 6 months I was thinking I could be a SAHM- now there's no way in Hell I could do it!

    It's fun though too- the are certainly interacting with each other a lot more! 

  • That's really funny!  DH's family had never heard of either name period.  I refer to them as A and B on big posts.  I never do that IRL, but I like having some anonymity on here.  That's why I rarely post pics.  Did that for the first time last week. Oliver and Harrison were on my boy name list.  LOVE those names.

    Yeah I love the baby jails, not gonna lie!  Honestly, I think they enjoy having "their space."  Also, my dog started to freak out, when they started crawling.  So he has his own space when they're "out" (I put a baby gate up in our office where is bed is), and they have their own space when he's "out."  I do have everyone out together, but not all the time. 

    The girls play with a sippy cup during lunch.  They definitely don't have the mechanics down yet to drink it on their own.  But that's ok.  My idea was to move them to milk and sippies at the same time.  It just depends on how well they are doing with holding and drinking by then.  I was going to do a gradual progression with formula and milk until it's all milk.  I can't wait for THAT day to come.  I will NOT miss formula.  I still BF twice a day.  I think I may stop that next week.  Greer is kind of done with it.  I can't get her to stay on that long before she's looking for her bottle.  Also with the's been..interesting.  I'm not sure how I feel about stopping BF.  They were like 80% BF until 6 months when I dropped it to 2 feedings a day.  I wasn't sure how I would feel then, but I was fine (emotionally).  So I imagine I'll be ok when I stop altogether.  But I'm always worried I may regret not doing it longer. 

    When we got married we said 5 kids! I'm a big planner and if there's one thing having spontaneous twins has taught me, it's that your plans don't always work out!  About a month after they were born, I told DH I couldn't do this again.  Hahah.  Then when they were 3 months old I said, "ok one more."  Then recently I said, "I think we can do 4, totally."  So that's why I'm going to start when they're a year.  In case we do have 4.  But honestly, now I really have the attitude of "we'll see."  We could be done at 3, we could not be.  I'm getting better at being flexible and taking things as they come.  Wink

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageOrangeSmoke:

    You guys are scaring me.


    LOL!  Which part lady?  Because I'll tell you, the crawling thing and the wrestling/climbing IS terrifying.  When Greer started crawling, I started pulling her leg out so she wouldn't go very far.  I was NOT READY!!! Be very afraid.  Big Smile

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageamanda31H:

    You guys are scaring me.


    LOL!  Which part lady?  Because I'll tell you, the crawling thing and the wrestling/climbing IS terrifying.  When Greer started crawling, I started pulling her leg out so she wouldn't go very far.  I was NOT READY!!! Be very afraid.  Big Smile

    Every part.  Dh keeps telling the boys - crawl, crawl, crawl!  and I'm like NOOOOOOO, stay still!

    Alex is already climbing Harry and trying to "eat" him.  can't wait until he actually has good control of his limbs.

    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageOrangeSmoke:

    You guys are scaring me.


    LOL!  Which part lady?  Because I'll tell you, the crawling thing and the wrestling/climbing IS terrifying.  When Greer started crawling, I started pulling her leg out so she wouldn't go very far.  I was NOT READY!!! Be very afraid.  Big Smile

    Every part.  Dh keeps telling the boys - crawl, crawl, crawl!  and I'm like NOOOOOOO, stay still!

    Alex is already climbing Harry and trying to "eat" him.  can't wait until he actually has good control of his limbs.

    I think it's a guy thing.  DH is always "encouraging" the girls to do stuff.  I tell him every day "I'm not raising any over achievers."  Wink

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Bahahahaha! ;)

    You'll be fine- I too am not encouraging it though! ;)

    I get what you're saying about being mroe flexible- I'm pretty anal/OCD and some of it has gotten worse and other things I am surprised I ever gave a rats ass about!

    My friend is pregnant with her 5th now- I cannot imagine! She has 2 1/2 yr old twin boys too...

    I think 3 would most likely be it for us- and still be open to adoption or fostering...

    I'm off to work!

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