I'm new here and cautiously excited about being a bit over 5 weeks pregnant with #7. The older kids are 21, 17, 15, 10, 4 and 1. I'm 43 and DH is 49.
I got pregnant unexpectedly in November and m/c in December, and this forced us to decide whether we want more kids or not. I mistakenly assumed that since it took us 15 months to conceive our 1 year old, if we wanted another, it would probably take even longer, if I could get pregnant at all given my age, so I didn't bother thinking about birth control much.
After the m/c, we both came to the conclusion that we wouldn't mind having another (I'd really like a girl because I have 4 boys and 2 girls, although I know there are no guarantees!). I was charting and using OPKs, but really, truly thought I wouldn't get pregnant for a long time, if ever. Imagine my surprise when I tested at 10dpo and saw what I thought was a shadow of a line!
Today is hard because I'm at 5w3d and this is when I m/c before. I was able to schedule an appt. to get in to see the nurse on Tuesday and will feel better after that visit. The nurse works for the OB that backs up the midwife I've used the last two times and I adore her, but I'm going to have to decide whether to go with the OB this time or do another homebirth. It should be a no-brainer because I had 2 awesome and easy homebirths, but I worry so much more about my age this time!
So, that's me in a nutshell. I'm glad to be here.
Re: New....
Hello and welcome! Thoughts and prayers to you as you pass through this emotional time.
I'm hoping for a girl this time too as this will probably me my last child. I have a son and a stepson. I'd gladly take another boy though.