
Work Related Question

Not to monopolize the board, but I have a question about how long to work for...

My OB and MW said I should be fine to work until 34 weeks as long as I cut my hours back and don't overdue it...However when I told my boss I would possibly like to work until April 8th, He laughed and said he was making me quit in March!? I know 34 weeks is hopeful, but starting next week I'm cutting my hours down to 25/week and the head manager said I can go as low as 10 hours a week if I need to before I quit.

My question is how long did you all work for? And how do I convince my manager that it's me and the doctor, not him, who decides when I'll stop working? He made me rather angry... 

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Re: Work Related Question

  • Some of it depends on what you do and your boss.  I went on bedrest at 29 weeks, which is a pretty common time frame for bedrest.  Technically, I have a desk job that I could do from home.  However, my boss's boss didn't allow me to do that because he considered it a liability issue (even though I telecommuted 3 days a week before I went on bedrest anyway, and that was my normal set-up, not pg-related). 

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • I was pulled from work at 28 weeks due to a high discordance between the 2 babies. I was still able to work remotely from home until I delivered at 37 weeks. My job is all laptop based though.

    If your manager is forcing you to quit becuase you are pregnant, I believe you have rights that protect you. He can't force you to quit.

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
    Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
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  • I would suggest getting documentation from your doctors and going to HR.
  • I teach Kindergarten and so far, I'm still going strong. I just make sure to take it easy in the evenings and on the weekends.  I'm hoping to make it 36 weeks or as long as I can handle it.  My doctor is comfortable with this decision.  My principal and superintendent are supportive of what I need/want so I don't really have any advice for you about dealing with your manager.  Maybe have your doc write a note??
  • My OB pulls all of his MoM's out of work at 28 weeks regardless. I'm an RN and do 12 hour shift work in ICU. There's no way I could have worked until 34 weeks. I was glad to be done at 28 weeks.
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  • I was pulled out of work and put on bed rest at 24 weeks.  The doctor warned me from the very beginning that I should have my life in order (family/work arrangements) by my 28th week.  There was no hard and fast rule that I would be done with work by 28 weeks but it was foreseeable.

    It is discriminatory for your boss to force you to quit just because you are pregnant.  (Not that the civil law system will be of much help, especially if you planned to quit for good soon anyway.)  But still, it is against the law.  (The federal Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination against pregnant women.)  Even though you don't have much recourse, it really frustrates me when employers blatantly ignore this kind of law.  (When I work, I practice employment law for a living...)

    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
  • I cut back my hours at around 25 weeks.  I cut way back at 34 weeks.  I worked up until 37 weeks.  I took my lunch laying down on a couch in the bathroom. 
    IVF #3 10/09 BFP! 12dp3dt Beta #1 = 319 14dp3dt Beta #2 = 565 21dp3dt Beta #3 = 10,475! u/s showed twins!! IVF 12/12 BFP! image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks ladies! DH and I are prepared for me to stop work at anytime since I know there's a higher chance of bed rest with multiples. At the same time I am going to try to work as long as they'll let me. I'll definitely get a note from my doctor(thanks for the tip)... Hopefully my manager is just worried about liability or something. He's nervously joked before about my water breaking at work... I didn't laugh. Thankfully the head manager is a lady, so I think I'll just go straight to her from now on. 

    At the moment I still feel great, and I'm cutting back my hours from 35 to 25 next week... I'm trying to stay ahead of myself and cut back hours before my body demands it. The main reason I'm trying to work for as long as possible is because I know I'll go crazy once I'm just waiting at home(a very small apartment). I'm glad to hear some of you made it until 37 weeks!!!

    Thanks again for all the advice! 

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  • I worked until just past 35 weeks fulltime (deskjob)...I would speak with HR asap...unless you are unable to complete job related tasks due to self-imposed or doctor imposed restrictions your boss doesn't have a say in the matter...
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