I know this was stupid of me but at 5dp3dt I started peeing on sticks. I was so excited and impatient that I couldn't wait. And much to my surprise I thought I saw a line...or a piece of a line. My husband saw it too. It was like a ghost line, so utterly faint you couldn't even tell it was real. I didn't know what to think of it but it was gone about 10 minutes later. I thought for sure that the line would be darker at 6dp3dt. Well, it wasn't. It was the same damn ghost line. I think I didn't wait long enough to inspect the pee stick and saw an evaporation line. Now at 7dp3dt it's stark white. It wouldn't hurt so bad to see the negative this morning if it hadn't been for that "high" I felt two days before. Now I'm so frickin depressed and pissed and I just want to throw the damn things out the window and never see them or pee on them again. I feel so deceived.
Beta is on Wednesday.