Berry basket! Half a pita (filled with hummus). Halved strawberries, blueberries, cucumber "leaves" and a wedge of Laughing Cow that DD spread on the pita. She finished this!
A bunny lunch for the Chinese New Year. To get the cutout on the Babybel cheese, push the cookie cutter into the wax to get an imprint, then use a knife to cut out details.
Another bunny lunch packed in a bento box because this was a to-go meal. I packed it fairly tight and nothing moved! I got 5 bunny cut-outs from a piece of bread, so there's a regular bunny sandwich and a triple-decker. The sprinkles are adhered with a teeny bit of peanut butter. This is way better than most to-go meals, plus the sandwiches didn't get squished.
Yes, my picture was taken crooked. No, I don't know how to crop the edges in Photoshop yet! Anyway, I went to World Market this week and saw this cute metal mushroom container in the candy section. Perfect for holding dip for the veggies! (That's also where I got the Hello Panda cookies that made several appearances in lunches this week.) On the sandwich is a piece of sushi grass (purchased at a Marukai store in California, and we reuse them).
Happy lunching!
Re: *Cute lunch check-in*
Really cute Bright! I have another Valentine's lunch this week:
Cream of tomato soup (yes, my kids like it!) with heart-shaped cheese pieces - although you can't tell they're hearts. Cherry jello in a heart shaped silicone muffin liner. Green and red apple slices with hearts cut out and switched.