Cloth Diapering

How long does it take for items to ship from SBish?

I bought a seconds soaker and a snapless fitted on Jan. 24, and haven't received a shipping notice, or anything beyond an order confirmation.

It did say the snapless fitted was a "pre-order." Does that mean that I have to wait for my order until some unforeseen point in the future when they make some more? Or do you think I should contact them and see why I haven't received my order?

Mama to sunshine baby "J" 5.13.11 and angel baby "E" born still on 2.11.14
TTC our rainbow since April '14


Re: How long does it take for items to ship from SBish?

  • imagescootRN:

    It did say the snapless fitted was a "pre-order." Does that mean that I have to wait for my order until some unforeseen point in the future when they make some more?

    Yes.  There is usually an estimated ship date on the site.  It's usually 4 - 6 weeks out.  They have shipped after their estimated date every time I've bought from them!  Angry

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  • imageyodasmistress:

    It did say the snapless fitted was a "pre-order." Does that mean that I have to wait for my order until some unforeseen point in the future when they make some more?

    Yes.  There is usually an estimated ship date on the site.  It's usually 4 - 6 weeks out.  They have shipped after their estimated date every time I've bought from them!  Angry

    Eww... 4-6 weeks!? Good thing I don't need it now Tongue Tied 

    Mama to sunshine baby "J" 5.13.11 and angel baby "E" born still on 2.11.14
    TTC our rainbow since April '14


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  • imagescootRN:

    Eww... 4-6 weeks!? Good thing I don't need it now Tongue Tied 

    This is on the snapless multi page right now: 

    Orders placed after 1/8 on pre-order shipping 2/28"

    I have heard others say the got their stuff before the estimated ship date but that has never happened to me.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageyodasmistress:

    Eww... 4-6 weeks!? Good thing I don't need it now Tongue Tied 

    This is on the snapless multi page right now: 

    Orders placed after 1/8 on pre-order shipping 2/28"

    I have heard others say the got their stuff before the estimated ship date but that has never happened to me.

    Thanks :). At least I know they aren't lost in the mail somewhere. 

    Mama to sunshine baby "J" 5.13.11 and angel baby "E" born still on 2.11.14
    TTC our rainbow since April '14


  • I got mine by the ship time. Email Erin (owner) and ask her the status on your order. She is super nice!
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