
** mamacrystal ***

How is you DD's leg? Did the xray or bloodwork reveal anything? I hope you got some answers and she's feeling better now!

Re: ** mamacrystal ***

  • Thanks for asking!  The x-rays and labs all came back normal on Friday, which was very frustrating at the time because her leg showed no improvement.  However, I came home from a baby shower last night to find her crawling much better and willing to bend her leg a little!  Big Smile Now we're hoping the improvement continues, which I'm sure it will.

    My SIL is a nurse, so she talked to a friend in pediatrics who admitted that she was not surprised at all to hear of what happened.  She said they most often hear of this happening at the 12-month shots... possibly something to do with using bigger needles.  She mentioned that it could be a bone bruise.

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
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