So let it be can be done. Because before it happened on Thursday morning, I was really beginning to doubt myself.
Thursday morning at 1am, I started having painful contractions about 5 minutes apart. Then by 3:30am, they were 2 minutes apart...but i had never been timing them...I had just been pacing my living room. At 4am, I woke up my husband because i Said i was in a lot of pain and just wanted company. He started timing my contractions and said they were 2 minutes apart...well my Dr had told me if they were 5 minutes apart..he wanted me there, because of the VBAC. So, my parents got there and we got to the hospital. It was the longest car ride EVER! the contractions hurt so bad.
We got there at 6am and I got checked. I was already dilated to a 6. I was completely in shock. As, 2 days prior at my appt...i was NOTHING and my cervix was high. By the time the anethesioligist got there, I was an 8 and could get NO drugs. I was NEVER planning on no drugs. But I kept going. My nurse was my only savior, she held my hand and made me breath through everything. I had read hypnobirthing ..,.but my brain was numb. I had her at 7:27am. I was only there 1 1/2 hrs before she was born. I was in complete and utter SHOCK. I still am having a hard time fathoming that i did it. It was very very painful at the end when I was crowning, but i got through it.. I have a some blood vessel pimple things on my face & arms to prove all the pushing. ...and a few sticthes in my whoo ha as well. Only a 2nd degree tear, but it still hurts and is quite puffy. Oh well. It will heal soon, my Dr says.
Anyways, My daughter Amelia Lynn was 9lbs 2oz & 21 1/2 inches long with a huge head 35cm. She was perfect with lots of dark hair.
We got home on Saturday around 12noon.
She is nursing great, my milk came in and all is well. Now it is time to get used to having 2 kids!
Good luck to everyone! I know you can do it! Have determination.
Also, I swear by these 3 things that helped me..
1. Prenatal yoga-keep your hips and pelvis limber
2. Chiropractor
3. Had great sex the nite my contractions started LOL
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story.
And now I'm feeling guilty about not keeping up with prenatal yoga LOL
Congratulations on your lovely little girl!
Great story! I always feel 'lifted' & inspired after reading a successful VBAC story! Thanks for posting it!
I don't know what I'm more impressed with....
a. that you birthed a 9 pound baby med free
b. the above plus it was a vbac
c. that you had no progress only 2 days prior and were admitted to a 6.....that's awesome and gives many of us hope.
d. that you had sex that late in the game and ENJOYED it! LOL
Congrats! Great story.
My new "mom" blog:
Congratulations! Your story is super inspiring. Congratulations on your healthy baby and having the birth experience you wanted.
Love the name Amelia!
4 losses (cp Feb 28 09, mc April 9 09 (5w5d), mc Aug 10 09 (7w1d), d&c Apr 12 10 (grew to 6w3d, mc confirmed at 8w5d). RX: Overies PCOS (hormones normal) & Balanced Translocation of Ch. 7 & 13 (40-50% mc risk)
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