
RSV here too

In the hospital with our son and sister is at home sick as well.  :(

Darn you're not my friend.

Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image

Re: RSV here too

  • ugh - that sucks so badly.

    Gibby had it last year - and thankfully Gray never go it- and nobody needed the hospital- but we didn't get sleep for a couple weeks  - it's horrible.

    prayers that everyone is well soon!!!

  • Ugh!  Hope they get better soon!!

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  • I'm so sorry. :( Sending thoughts and prayers that they are both better SOON!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Shiit.  I am so sorry.  :(

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • thanks ladies!

    The silver lining is that the pedi office was full of american baby magazines and we snagged 3 amazon mom codes!  Gotta look for that silver lining at all times.  :)

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • So sorry to hear about the sick babies. Ours had it a few weeks ago. Like Goldie mentioned, be prepared for some sleepless nights ahead. The cold completely messed with our LOs schedule and abilty to self-soothe at night. They are just not getting back on schedule during the day, but at night, they are still a mess. We are up MANY times with them. Just a warning b/c I was completely surprised by this.
  • So sorry to hear that.  I hope everyone gets better soon!
    married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
    IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
    Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
    finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
  • So sorry. I was at TCH all last week with one of my girls with RSV. No fun.
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